
ramshackle [ˈræmʃækl]  [ˈræmˌʃækəl] 

ramshackle 基本解释

形容词要倒似的,要塌似的; 摇晃的; 没主意的; 放荡的

ramshackle 网络解释

1. ramshackle

1. 东倒西歪的:lackadaisical 没精打采的 | ramshackle 东倒西歪的 | versatile 多才多艺的

2. 摇摇欲坠:camp营地 | ramshackle摇摇欲坠a | rickety佝偻的驼背的

3. 摇晃的:ramrod 推弹杆 | ramshackle 摇晃的 | ramstam 固执的

4. ramshackle的近义词

4. 摇摇欲坠的:Pathological 病态的 | Ramshackle 摇摇欲坠的 | Skyscraper 摩天大厦

ramshackle 词典解释

1. (建筑)破烂不堪的,摇摇欲坠的
    A ramshackle building is badly made or in bad condition, and looks as if it is likely to fall down.


    e.g. They entered the shop, which was a curious ramshackle building.

2. (系统、联盟、收集物等)草率组合成的,拼凑的
    A ramshackle system, union, or collection of things has been put together without much thought and is not likely to work very well.

    e.g. They joined with a ramshackle alliance of other rebels.
    e.g. ...the present tax system, which the opposition says is ramshackle and complicated.

ramshackle 英英释义


1. in deplorable condition

    e.g. a street of bedraggled tenements
           a broken-down fence
           a ramshackle old pier
           a tumble-down shack

    Synonym: bedraggledbroken-downderelictdilapidatedtatterdemaliontumble-down

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