1. Sit by the radiator and get warm.
2. The stars are radiators of vast power.
3. Stars are radiators of vast power.
4. Fill your radiator with water, or your engine will overheat.
1. radiator的意思
1. 散热器:散热器(Radiator)冷却系统中,可将热气自冷却器消除的装置,亦即吸收引擎过热的冷却液,并将低温冷却液送到引擎的装置. 火星塞(Spark plug)为两电极及一绝缘体组合而成,可提供引擎汽函火花点火的一种零件.
2. 水箱:你的不是个案啦 ~ 我的 New Camry 06年6/16交车(也是第一批), 也在上个月进厂保养时, 发现 水箱(radiator)漏水箱液,
3. radiator
3. 辐射体:大多数PCB是不折不扣的辐射体(radiator),虽然我们并不想将它设计成天线. 不过,不管我们是否打算将它设计成发射机(transmitter)的一部份,它都必须遵守国际的EMC标准. 因此,若在电路设计时,没有采用滤波器...等可「抑制(suppression)」EMI的组件,
4. radiator的近义词
4. 辐射器:最重要的是箱体体积可不用做到像背负载号角或传输式音箱那麼大( 这两者在高低频衔接或低音的速度都不是很理想)不知Ppastudio 兄是不是会以此来进行.此种作法,对於空间有限的乐友应该是有很大的帮助. 可否请Ppastudio兄对於辐射器(Radiator)多一点著墨,让我们有多一点的了解,谢谢.
1. 散热器;暖气装置
A radiator is a hollow metal device, usually connected by pipes to a central heating system, that is used to heat a room.
2. (汽车等的)水箱,冷却器,散热器
The radiator in a car is the part of the engine which is filled with water in order to cool the engine.
1. a mechanism consisting of a metal honeycomb through which hot fluids circulate
heat is transferred from the fluid through the honeycomb to the airstream that is created either by the motion of the vehicle or by a fan
2. heater consisting of a series of pipes for circulating steam or hot water to heat rooms or buildings
3. any object that radiates energy