
public violence

public violence 双语例句

1. We`ve got to hold the line against violence in our public schools.

2. It should be no surprise of the escalation of violence in our public government run schools.

3. Family violence is a public hazard all over the world and also a serious social problem in our country.

4. Public indifferent to the violence in films.

5. A public indifferent to the violence in films.

6. public violence什么意思

6. Media violence may affect public health, particularly the children`s.

7. public violence是什么意思

7. In Shanghai, one out of every 10 cases of public security concerns family violence.

8. Public prosecution mechanism thinks, authentic of fact of crime of bloodguilty of do violence of small the Qin Dynasty, answer to investigate its criminal duty with intended homicide.

9. For all its everyday violence, contract killings of public figures are rare in Jamaica.

10. public violence

10. Notifiable offence of get money from someone, by threatening to make public fact about him which he do not want revealed or by threatening violence.

11. Moreover, the public has become slightly less accepting after bouts of mob violence, traditionally hidden, that claimed innocent lives. On February 20th around 160 people from Tokyo`s Akasaka district sought a court injunction to bar Inagawa-kai, a big crime syndicate, from occupying an office building, arguing that it might bring violence to the area. In August residents of the city of Kurume sought a similar injunction against a local gang.

12. 公共查询·英语单词大全

12. Moreover, the public has become slightly less accepting after bouts of mob violence, traditionally hidden, that claimed innocent lives. On February 20th around 160 people from Tokyo''s Akasaka district sought a court injunction to bar Inagawa-kai, a big crime syndicate, from occupying an office building, arguing that it might bring violence to the area. In August residents of the city of Kurume sought a similar injunction against a local gang.

13. Such cases are error, violence, Holy orders, disparity of worship, public conjugicide, consanguinity in the direct line or in the first degree of the collateral Line, and the first degree of affinity in the direct line.
      这种情况下不存在错误,暴力,神圣的命令,悬殊的崇拜,公共conjugicide ,血缘在直接线或在第一学位的抵押品线,并首次程度的亲和力在直接线。

14. In his radio address, President Bush attributed the spike in violence to US and Iraqi security operations, as well as efforts by terrorists and insurgents to influence U. S. public opinion and undermine domestic support for the effort in Iraq.

15. Especially in the face of violence, assaulting a police officer in question, on the one hand, the lack of relevant laws and regulations of the security, on the one hand, the lack of public understanding and support, and its own security force there is a certain lack of police enforcement is rather embarrassing.

16. danci.911cha.com

16. Public violence compels especially women and the old to retreat into private laager because they find everything around them threatening.

17. public violence

17. Public violence compels especially women and the old to retreat in to a private laager because they find everything around them threatening.

18. Public violence compels especially women and the old to retreat into a private laager because they find everything around them threatening.

19. According to relevant international conventions, piracy consists of five elements:(1) the illegal acts complained against must be violence or detention, or any act of depredation; (2) committed on the high sea beyond the land territory or territorial sea, or other territorial jurisdiction, of any State; (3) by a private ship, or a public ship which through mutiny or otherwise is no longer under the discipline and effective control of the State which owns it; (4) for private ends; and, (5) from one ship to another so that two ships at least are involved.

20. Sec. 1. Except in the case of its negligence proximately contributing thereto, no carrier or party in possession of all or any of the live stock herein described shall be liable for any loss thereof or damage thereto or delay caused by the act of God, the public enemy, quarantine, the authority of law, the inherent vice, weakness, or natural propensity of the animal, or the act or default of the shipper or owner, or the agent of either, or by riots, strikes, stoppage of labor or threatened violence.
      1.1 根据本合同占有任何牲畜的任何承运人或当事人不应对因天灾、公敌、检疫、法律权力、牲畜自身的缺陷,体弱、或自然习性,或因发货人或货主或他们的代理人的作为或不作为,或因暴乱、罢工、停工或灭绝性暴力行为而导致的任何牲畜的灭失或损失负责,因承运人自身的过失而导致的除外。

public violence 单语例句

1. Arafat has made several public statements condemning Palestinian violence against Israel in recent weeks, but Sunday''s remarks were his toughest yet.

2. The Beijing Public Security Bureau announced on Wednesday they had suspects in custody over two cases of resettlement disputes involving violence.

3. The prosecutor argued that defining behaviors constituting disturbing public order does not necessarily require acts of violence.

4. Tragedies of such random violence occur everyday all around the world and usually do not draw public attention.

5. Tibetan separatists may use suicide attacks to escalate violence after the recent riots in Lhasa, public security officials warned Tuesday.

6. " The law must have the last word, " Chirac said in his first public address on the violence.

7. In public reports on cases involving violence in Chinese hospitals, almost every incident has been associated with medical malpractice disputes.

8. Statistics from the public security departments show that criminals in many serious violence cases since 2000 did not have obvious causes for committing the crime.

9. Chinese authorities have called on the public to refrain from violence and express their patriotism in a rational and peaceful manner.

10. Public health experts consider violence against women a public health issue, which should be addressed accordingly.

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