1. prom
1. 可编程序只读存储器:2.双极型TTL随机存储器(RAM)系列的品种3.双极型TTL可编程序只读存储器(PROM)系列的品种4.双极型ECL随机存储器(RAM)系列的品种
2. 舞会:舞会(Prom)是一种跳交谊舞等的集会,舞会(Prom)是一种高尚讲究礼礼仪的社交活动,也是展示个人魅力的场所. 大多数追赶潮流的年轻人们,会在周末假期花上很长的时间搜集在中国舞会上穿着的礼服.
3. 可编程只读存储器:为便于使 用和大批量 生产 ,进一步发 展了可编 程只读存储 器(PROM)、可擦可编程序只读存储器(EPROM)和电可擦可编程只读存储器(EEPROM). EPROM需用紫外光长时间照射才能擦除,使用很不方便. 20世纪 80 年代制出的 EEPROM ,
4. 可编程序的只读存储器:XS1-G4 可从联合测试工作组(JTAG)、1个SD/MMC卡或板上串行外围设备接口(SPI)启动的可编程序的只读存储器(PROM)上启动. 除了内置多媒体I/O,设计者还可以使用板上开关、状态发光二极管(LED)以及IDC扩展端口.
5. prom
5. prom:preterm rupture of membranes; 胎膜早破
6. prom:programmable read – only memory; 可编程只读存储器
7. prom:passive range of motion; 被动关节活动度
8. prom在线翻译
8. prom:programmable rom; 可编程序只读存储器
1. (学校在学年末举行的)正式舞会
A prom is a formal dance at a school or college which is usually held at the end of the academic year.
e.g. I didn''t want to go to the prom with Craig.
e.g. ...my senior prom.
2. 海滨道路
The prom is the road by the sea where people go for a walk.
3. 逍遥音乐会
The Proms are a series of concerts of mainly classical music that are held each year in London and some other cities. There is usually an area at these concerts where people stand, as well as seats.
e.g. ...the Last Night of the Proms.
e.g. ...his final Prom performance of Elgar''s First Symphony.
1. a formal ball held for a school class toward the end of the academic year
Synonym: promenade