1. The priest makes pastoral visits every Wednesday.
2. The priest conducts the church service.
1. 道士:2:道教建筑(Daoist Buildings)分为道祠(Daoist Shrine)和道观(Daoist Temple)两种,产生道士(Priest)满足居民对道教的信仰需求,供奉道教英雄. 道祠产生1名道士,道观产生2名,并且如果要召唤道教英雄的话必须要建造道观.
2. 僧侣:3 各种族中的寺庙(Temple)里的 僧侣(priest) 都非常的有价值, 治疗(僧侣要升级1次) ,攻击不是很强,升为3级以后有一定几率可以同时攻击2个目标. 有2个选项可以升级,一个是治疗,另一个视种族而定. 治疗的研发费用为50金,请尽快研究.
1. 基督教教士;(天主教)神父;(英国圣公会)牧师;(东正教)司铎
A priest is a member of the Christian clergy in the Catholic, Anglican, or Orthodox church.
e.g. He had trained to be a Catholic priest.
2. (非基督教会的)教士,和尚,僧侣,祭司
In many non-Christian religions a priest is a man who has particular duties and responsibilities in a place where people worship.
3. see also: high priest
1. a clergyman in Christian churches who has the authority to perform or administer various religious rites
one of the Holy Orders
2. a person who performs religious duties and ceremonies in a non-Christian religion
Synonym: non-Christian priest