1. Only after you pass the preliminary exam can you be interviewed by the personnel manager.
2. Ever since I passed the doctoral preliminary exam last year, I have put all my energy on conducting my dissertation research.
3. preliminary exam的翻译
3. The students will have to take a __preliminary___ exam in January before the final exams.
4. preliminary exam的反义词
4. This 4th collection of examination papers for the BEC Preliminary provides all the exam practice you need.
5. Afterward, I did not feel very good about my answers, but thank for God`s grace, I did pass the first-stage doctoral preliminary exam.
感谢 神的恩典,在经过两个月不眠不休的准备之后,我顺利的通过了第一阶段的博士资格考。
6. The second-stage doctoral preliminary exam is to present a dissertation mini-prospectus, which is the first two chapters of a dissertation, to your doctoral directive committee.
7. So post-graduate candidates are practicing more and more. By2003 the score on the listening test will be20 per cent of the total mark of foreign language in preliminary exam.
8. I achieved the highest score in the preliminary exam - nearly 30 points higher than the next student. But the result of the second exam showed that another girl had surpassed me, explained Chen.
9. For each of the winter and spring BEC examination sessions, the 150 highest scoring candidates from each of BEC Preliminary, BEC Vantage and BEC Higher (in total 450 candidates will be selected from each winter and spring exam administration) will be selected to receive a commendatory letter and prize for high achievement.
剑桥考官将从2005年冬季和2006年春季BEC考试结果各个级别-BEC Preliminary,BEC Vantage 和BEC Higher中挑选出得分最高的前150名考生(即每次考试共有450名考生),他们将获得祝贺信函和由剑桥大学出版社发行的外文字典光盘。
10. So post-graduate candidates are practicing more and more.By2003 the score on the listening test will be20 per cent of the total mark of foreign language in preliminary exam.