1. postbox的解释
1. 信箱:12月26日是老外的BOXING DAY,是专门为那些没有休息日的邮递员的节日,在圣诞节的后一天,因在信箱(POSTBOX)里放礼物给POSTMAN而得名,从而也成了圣诞节的一部分.
2. postbox的解释
2. 邮局:postboat邮务船 | Postbox邮局 | postbracket柱形托架
3. 邮筒 邮箱:post-boostguidance被动段制导 | postbox邮筒 邮箱 | postbranchialbody后鳃体
1. 邮筒;信箱
A postbox is a metal box in a public place, where you put letters and packets to be collected. They are then sorted and delivered.
1. public box for deposit of mail
Synonym: mailboxletter box