
post [pəʊst]  [poʊst] 


post 基本解释

名词岗位; 邮政; 邮件; 柱,桩,杆

及物动词张贴; 邮寄; 宣布; 设岗



副词〈外〉在后; 用急件[驿马]; 赶紧地,火速地

post 相关例句


1. Keep me posted.

2. post的翻译

2. Post no bills.


1. post的意思

1. The ship was posted missing.

2. She has a post as a cook.

3. If you could get the book, please send it to me by post.

post 情景对话



A:Do you know of any post offices near here?

B:You’ll see one at the corner on your left.


A:Excuse me, which way is to the post office?


B:The post office? Sorry, I’m not sure.

A:Well, thanks anyway.

post 网络解释

1. post的反义词

1. 贴子:在下一次评分之前必须给另外的N个人评过分,另外再设定时间因素,等等. vB除了声望系统,仍然有主题评分功能. 前者对人,是根据某个贴子(Post)对作者评分,后者是对主题(Thread)评分,为前者提供了很好的补充.

2. 邮政:那么,将F1视为最理想的广告和营销战场,并在赛车外壳和车手身上大做广告的德国财产咨询(DVAG),德国邮政(Post),德国电信(Telekom),安联保险( Allianz)等经济界巨头,是否在目前经济形势低迷的情况下,

3. post:power on self tests; 加电自检

4. post什么意思

4. post:pos terminal; 销售点终端

5. post:polymer science and technoligy; 聚合物科学技术


6. post:power on selft test; 使用开机自我测试

post 词典解释


1. 邮政;邮递
    The post is the public service or system by which letters and packages are collected and delivered.

    e.g. You''ll receive your book through the post...
    e.g. The winner will be notified by post...

in AM, usually use 美国英语通常用 mail

2. 邮件;邮包;包裹
    You can use post to refer to letters and packages that are delivered to you.

    e.g. He flipped through the post without opening any of it...
    e.g. There has been no post in three weeks.

in AM, usually use 美国英语通常用 mail

3. 投递邮件;邮班
    Post is used to refer to an occasion when letters or packages are delivered. For example, first post on a particular day is the first time that things are delivered.

    e.g. Entries must arrive by first post next Wednesday...
    e.g. They just have to wait patiently for the next post.

4. 邮寄;投递
    If you post a letter or package, you send it to someone by putting it in a post box or by taking it to a post office.

    e.g. If I write a letter, would you post it for me?...
    e.g. I''m posting you a cheque tonight...

in AM, usually use 美国英语通常用 mail

5. 张贴,贴出(通知、标牌等)
    If you post notices, signs, or other pieces of information somewhere, you fix them to a wall or board so that everyone can see them.

    e.g. Officials began posting warning notices...
    e.g. She has posted photographs on bulletin boards.

6. 发布,公布(信息)
    If you post information on the Internet, you make the information available to other people on the Internet.


    e.g. A consultation paper has been posted on the Internet inviting input from Net users.

7. 向…提供最新信息;使及时了解
    If you keep someone posted, you keep giving them the latest information about a situation that they are interested in.

    e.g. Keep me posted on your progress.


1. 职位;职务
    A post in a company or organization is a job or official position in it, usually one that involves responsibility.


    e.g. She had earlier resigned her post as President Menem''s assistant...
    e.g. Sir Peter has held several senior military posts.

2. 委派;派驻
    If you are posted somewhere, you are sent there by the organization that you work for and usually work there for several years.

    e.g. After training she was posted to Brixton...
    e.g. It is normal to spend two or three years working in this country before being posted overseas.

3. 岗位;哨位
    You can use post to refer to the place where a soldier, guard, or other person has been told to remain and to do his or her job.


    e.g. Quick men, back to your post!

4. 使驻守;布置…站岗
    If a soldier, guard, or other person is posted somewhere, they are told to stand there, in order to supervise an activity or guard a place.

    e.g. Police have now been posted outside all temples...
    e.g. British Rail had to post a signalman at the entrance to the tunnel...

5. see also: posting;staging post


1. 柱;桩;杆
    A post is a strong upright pole made of wood or metal that is fixed into the ground.


    e.g. You have to get eight wooden posts, and drive them into the ground...
    e.g. The device is fixed to a post.

2. 同 goalpost
    A post is the same as a goalpost .


    e.g. Wimbledon were unlucky not to win after hitting the post twice.

3. (赛马场上的)终点柱
    On a horse-racing track, the post is a pole which marks the finishing point.

4. see also: first-past-the-post
    to pip someone at the post -> see pip

post 英英释义


1. the delivery and collection of letters and packages

    e.g. it came by the first post
           if you hurry you''ll catch the post

2. a job in an organization

    e.g. he occupied a post in the treasury

    Synonym: positionberthofficespotbilletplacesituation

3. military installation at which a body of troops is stationed

    e.g. this military post provides an important source of income for the town nearby
           there is an officer''s club on the post

    Synonym: military post

4. an upright consisting of a piece of timber or metal fixed firmly in an upright position

    e.g. he set a row of posts in the ground and strung barbwire between them

5. the system whereby messages are transmitted via the post office

    e.g. the mail handles billions of items every day
           he works for the United States mail service
           in England they call mail `the post''

    Synonym: mailmail servicepostal service

6. a pole or stake set up to mark something (as the start or end of a race track)

    e.g. a pair of posts marked the goal
           the corner of the lot was indicated by a stake

    Synonym: stake

7. any particular collection of letters or packages that is delivered

    e.g. your mail is on the table
           is there any post for me?
           she was opening her post

    Synonym: mail

8. the position where someone (as a guard or sentry) stands or is assigned to stand

    e.g. a soldier manned the entrance post
           a sentry station

    Synonym: station


1. publicize with, or as if with, a poster

    e.g. I''ll post the news on the bulletin board

2. display, as of records in sports games

3. mark or expose as infamous

    e.g. She was branded a loose woman

    Synonym: brand

4. cause to be directed or transmitted to another place

    e.g. send me your latest results
           I''ll mail you the paper when it''s written

    Synonym: mailsend

5. assign to a station

    Synonym: stationsendplace

6. place so as to be noticed

    e.g. post a sign
           post a warning at the dump

    Synonym: put up

7. mark with a stake

    e.g. stake out the path

    Synonym: stake

8. affix in a public place or for public notice

    e.g. post a warning

9. ride Western style and bob up and down in the saddle in rhythm with a horse''s trotting gait

10. transfer (entries) from one account book to another

    Synonym: carry

11. assign to a post
      put into a post

      e.g. The newspaper posted him in Timbuktu

12. enter on a public list

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