1. 作茧自缚:1947年,克劳馥凭<作茧自缚>>(Possessed)再次获奥斯卡最佳女主角提名. 1952年拍摄的<惊惧骤起>>(Sudden Fear),使克劳馥第三次获得奥斯卡最佳女主角提名. 拍了70多部电影后,克劳馥和百事可乐公司董事长A斯蒂勒结了婚,
2. 奪 魄 勾 魂:35 米 厘 凶 心 人 Memento (2002) | 奪 魄 勾 魂 Possessed (2002) | 孩 孿 樹 Tree, The (2001)
3. 夺魂勾魄:一屋两火 The Trouble Makers (2003) | 夺魂勾魄 Possessed (2002) | 阴阳路十七之监房有鬼 Aau yeung liu sap chat ji gaam fong yau gwai (2002)
1. 着魔的;鬼怪附体的
If someone is described as being possessed by an evil spirit, it is believed that their mind and body are controlled by an evil spirit.
e.g. She even claimed the couple''s daughter was possessed by the devil...
e.g. He behaved like someone possessed.
2. 拥有的;占有的;具有的
If someone or something is possessed of a particular quality, ability, or feature, they have that quality, ability, or feature. If someone is possessed of a particular feeling or belief, they have that feeling or belief.
e.g. He is possessed of the most brilliant talents...
e.g. She was possessed of a terrifying sensation that the life was being squeezed slowly out of her.
3. see also: possess