1. 吹蜡烛声:poodle 狮子狗 | poof 吹蜡烛声 | pooh 轻视声
2. 呼:it vanished.|它消失了 | Poof.|呼 | That's very odd,isn't it?|非常奇怪,不是吗?
3. 然后一下子 他就走了 - 如果真的像你所说的:Sometimes, he'll get a text for a meetin... | - And then, poof, he's gone. - Well, if it's casual like you say,|- 然后一下子 他就走了 - 如果真的像你所说的 | No strings... Then what do you expect?|没有身...
4. 怪事:Lionhearted勇敢的 | Poof怪事 | Gross恶心
1. 男同性恋者
A poof is a homosexual man.
2. (表示某事突然发生)噗的一声
Some people say poof to indicate that something happened very suddenly.
e.g. They approach, embrace, and poof! they disappear in a blinding flash of light.