
poky [ˈpəʊki]  [ˈpoʊki] 


poky 基本解释


poky 网络解释

1. poky的近义词

1. 慢吞吞:pokey 监狱 | poky 慢吞吞 | Polack 波兰人

2. poky的解释

2. [形]緩慢的:playground: [名]操場,遊樂場;遊樂場所;樂於從事的活動領域 | poky: [形]緩慢的 (p) | prestigious: [形]有名望的

3. 迟钝的/狭小的/破旧的无趣的:pokey /监狱/迟钝的/狭小的/破旧的无趣的/ | poky /迟钝的/狭小的/破旧的无趣的/ | polacke /波拉克风/

4. poky在线翻译

4. (地方)狭小的,不舒适的:poky (地方)狭小的,不舒适的 | polarity 极性;(思想等)归向 | polarization 极化

poky 词典解释

The spelling pokey is also used, especially for meanings 1 and 3. 亦拼作 pokey,尤用于义项1和3。

1. (房间或屋子)狭小的,窄小的
    A room or house that is poky is uncomfortably small.

    e.g. ...apartments which were poky, dimly lit and poorly furnished.
    e.g. ...pokey little offices.

2. 慢吞吞的;缓慢的
    If you say that someone is poky, you are criticizing them for moving or reacting very slowly.

    e.g. ''Move!'' she cried. ''Don''t be so darn poky!''

3. 监狱;监牢
    If someone is in the pokey, they are in prison.

    e.g. They threw him in the pokey, kept him under very harsh conditions.

poky 英英释义


1. a correctional institution used to detain persons who are in the lawful custody of the government (either accused persons awaiting trial or convicted persons serving a sentence)

    Synonym: jailjailhousegaolclinkslammerpokey


1. small and remote and insignificant

    e.g. a jerkwater college
           passed a series of poky little one-horse towns

    Synonym: jerkwaterone-horsepokey

2. wasting time

    Synonym: dilatorylaggardpokey

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