
plastered [ˈplɑ:stəd]  [ˈplæstərd] 


plastered 基本解释

动词粘贴; 使平; 涂以灰泥; 掩饰(plaster的过去分词形式)

形容词涂得厚厚的; 醉醺醺的; 〈美俚〉“plaster”的派生


plastered 相关例句


1. He got plastered the night his wife left him.

2. Everyone got totally plastered at the graduation party.

plastered 网络解释

1. 醉醺醺的:plasterboard 石膏板 | plastered 醉醺醺的 | plasterer 泥水匠


2. 水泥船:plastered ship 水泥船 | plastered 水泥船 | plasterer 泥水匠

3. 公共查询·英语单词

3. 抹上灰泥的:even-tempered 性情平和的,不易生气的 | plastered 抹上灰泥的 | cloistered 隐居的

4. plastered的反义词

4. 喝醉了的:ponder考虑,深思熟虑 | Plastered喝醉了的 | cider苹果酒,苹果汁

plastered 词典解释

1. 黏附的;紧贴的
    If something is plastered to a surface, it is sticking to the surface.


    e.g. His hair was plastered down to his scalp by the rain.

2. 沾满…的;涂满…的
    If something or someone is plastered with a sticky substance, they are covered with it.


    e.g. My hands, boots and trousers were plastered with mud.

3. 大幅(或醒目)地刊载(于头版)的
    If a story or photograph is plastered all over the front page of a newspaper, it is given a lot of space on the page and made very noticeable.

    e.g. His picture was plastered all over the newspapers on the weekend.

4. 烂醉如泥的;酩酊大醉的
    If someone gets plastered, they get very drunk.


    e.g. With gin at 9p a tot, getting plastered is cheap and easy.

5. 用熟石膏处理过的;打上石膏的
    If someone''s broken arm or leg is plastered, it has a hard cover of plaster of Paris around it to protect the broken bone while it is mending.


    e.g. She was sitting in a hospital bed, her plastered leg up in the air.

plastered 英英释义


1. very drunk

    Synonym: besottedblind drunkblottocrockedcockeyedfuddledloadedpie-eyedpissedpixilatedsloppedsloshedsmashedsoakedsousedsozzledsquiffystifftightwet

2. (of walls) covered with a coat of plaster

    Synonym: sealed

3. (of hair) made smooth by applying a sticky or glossy substance

    e.g. black hair plastered with pomade

    Synonym: slicked

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