
placing [ˈpleɪsɪŋ] [ˈpleisiŋ] 


placing 基本解释

名词配售; 名次; 灌筑

placing 情景对话


A:All my bags are checked in. I guess I'm all set to go.

B:I know you must be excited to go home after such a long business trip.

A:I am sure. So, we'll be expecting the first shipment in less than a month.

B:Yes, that's right. They'll be there in no time.

A:Good. Tell Mr. Gao at the factory to keep up the good work.

B:I think all the products are going to sell very well.

A:We hope so! It's always good to work with you, Tom.


B:I want to thank you for placing such a big order with us. You won't be disappointed.


A:I'm sure I won't. I really appreciate all of your hospitality.

B:It was my please.And I'd like to give you a little something to take home. Let me unroll it.

A:This is beautiful! Chinese calligraphy. What do these characters mean?

B:They mean long life. I remember you liked the calligraphy at the Palace Museum.So I thought you might like it.


A:That's very nice of you. Where did you get it? It's not a print.

B:No, it's an original. My father's friend is a calligrapher, and I had him make it for you.And his name and the date are on the bottom.

A:I'll hang it in my office. But I feel bad I didn't get you anything.


B:Don't worry about it. It's a taken of my appreciation for your business, and friendship.

A:If you have time around Christmas, please come to visit my family.And I'll be able to show you around our city.

B:Thanks for the invitation. And please give my regards to your wife.

A:You do the same. Well, I'd better go. Thanks again for everything.

placing 网络解释

1. danci.edu.pub

1. 配售:7.09 配售(placing)是发行人或中介机构向主要经其挑选或批准的人士,发售有关证券以供认购 或出售有关证券. 7.13 介绍(introduction)是已发行证券申请上市所采用的方式,该方式毋须作任何销售安排,因 为寻求上市的证券已有相当数量,

2. 布局:这表明,即使对原设计作很小的改变,都会使适配器对原设计的布线(routing)和布局(placing)策略作大幅改变和调整,而人很难直接介入布线/布局的优化. 对于由许多基本电路模块构建成的顶层系统的FPGA开发,类似的问题将更加突出. 例如,

3. placing在线翻译

3. 直销:代销 offer for sale | 直销 placing | 公开发行 public issue

4. 浇注:placermining 砂矿开采 | placing 浇注 | plagioclase 斜长石

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