名词长矛; 梭鱼,狗鱼; 收费道路; [泳]虾式跳水
动词用矛刺穿; 美俚>赶路,走; 美俚>(跟着大赌客)小心谨慎的赌小钱; 用长矛戳(伤,死)
1. The rivers were rich in salmon and pike.
1. 梭子鱼:梭子鱼(Pike)梭子鱼不论是新鲜或冷冻品在北半球都很容易买到,而且可以买到整尾(体型小的)或薄片(体型大的). 它可以?烤、焖煮、温煮、煎烤或扒烤,全年都有供应. 梭子鱼在中欧的烹调上特别受欢迎,该区的传统煮法是塞入馅料后与牡蛎、?
2. 长矛:前,面对他们的是爱德蒙霍华德手下的柴郡(Cheshire)长弓兵,见状大骇,迅速地溃散戈(bill)与长矛(pike)的死斗就在东侧,英军左翼由史丹利率领的柴郡与兰开郡(Lancashire)的弓兵也开始朝丘陵前
1. 狗鱼
A pike is a large fish that lives in rivers and lakes and eats other fish.
2. 长矛
In former times, a pike was a weapon consisting of a pointed blade on the end of a long pole.
e.g. Some of them carried pikes with shrivelled heads on top.
3. 发生;出现
When something comes down the pike, it happens or occurs.
e.g. There have been threats to veto any legislation that comes down the pike.
1. any of several elongate long-snouted freshwater game and food fishes widely distributed in cooler parts of the northern hemisphere
2. a broad highway designed for high-speed traffic
Synonym: expresswayfreewaymotorwaystate highwaysuperhighwaythroughwaythruway
3. medieval weapon consisting of a spearhead attached to a long pole or pikestaff
superseded by the bayonet
4. a sharp point (as on the end of a spear)
5. highly valued northern freshwater fish with lean flesh