
picture [ˈpɪktʃə(r)]  [ˈpɪktʃɚ] 


picture 基本解释

名词照片,画像; 图画,图片; 影片; 情景

及物动词构想,想象; 描绘,画; 描述


picture 相关例句


1. The painter pictured the general sitting on a horse.

2. picture

2. Can you picture Bill dressed as a fairy?


1. I had a picture taken this morning.

2. You look the picture of health.

3. picture

3. This book gives a good picture of life in China today.

picture 情景对话

E-mail account-(电子邮件帐户)

A:How do I set up an email account?

B:Oh, that’s easy. Go to yahoo.com. Now, click on the link with the picture of an envelope.


A:Which link?

B:That one, the one that says, “Mail.”

A:Oh, no. What did I do? It’s asking me for a password.


B:Don’t worry. See where it says, “New User”?


B:Click on that.

A:Oh, I see.


B:Yeah, just fill out this fomp3 and choose a password. The computer will do the rest.

In the museum-(在展览馆)

A:Wow! I can’t believe I’m standing here!

B:What are you so excited about?

A:I’m standing in front of an exquisite work of art!

B:What’s the big deal? It’s just a picture of some woman.

A:I’ve seen it so many times in books, but I never imagined I’d get to see it in person.

B:There are tons of other paintings that I think are better.

A:Maybe so, but do you have any idea how much this one is worth?!

B:No, how much is it worth?

A:About 80 million dollars.



A:Good morning, madam.

B:Good morning. I would like a shampoo and set.


A:Yes, madam. What style do you want?


B:I'd like to try a new hair-style. Could you show me some pictures of hair styles?

A:Sure. We have various models: hair bobbed, hair sweptback, chaplet hair style, shoulder-length hair style,hair done in a bun. Please have a look at them, madam.

B:Thanks. Please give me the style in this picture here but make the wave longer. I would like hair spray,please.

A:Yes, madam.


B:Oh, your hair dryer is too hot. Would you adjust it, please?


A:Sorry, madam. I'll adjust it right away.Is that all right now?

B:Yes, thank.


A:Please have a look.

B:Beautifully done. Please trim my eyebrows and darken them.

A:All right, madam. And would you like a manicure?

B:Yes. Use a light nail varnish, please.

picture 网络解释

1. 画面:对图像类而言,在计算机图形学中以三维几何的画面(picture)产生为主,主要内容是:面消隐(shading)、光照模型(反射、透明、光线跟踪和辐射度等)、阴影模型和纹理模型,以及光源模型和颜色模型等.

2. 图画:他主张在学习外语时要忘掉自己的母语,要用所学的这门外语来思考.因此教师在教授英语时要尽可能地摆脱汉语的影响.教单词时也不例外,在学生不明白单词的意思时要尽可能利用图画(picture)或肢体语言(Body language)来让学生猜意思,

3. 照片:让我们看看这些表的结构:应用程序表(Applications)包含与应用程序描述要求相匹配的字段:姓名(Name)、描述(Description)、作者(Author)、类型(Type)、规模(Size)、成本(Cost)、DateUpl和照片(Picture).

4. picture:pict; 图像

picture 词典解释

1. 图画;绘画;图片
    A picture consists of lines and shapes which are drawn, painted, or printed on a surface and show a person, thing, or scene.


    e.g. A picture of Rory O''Moore hangs in the dining room at Kildangan.
    e.g. ...drawing a small picture with coloured chalks.

2. 照片
    A picture is a photograph.

    e.g. The tourists have nothing to do but take pictures of each other...
    e.g. The Observer carries a big front-page picture of rioters in a litter-strewn street.

3. (电视)图像,画面
    Television pictures are the scenes which you see on a television screen.

    e.g. ...heartrending television pictures of human suffering.

4. (在报纸、杂志等上)登载…的照片(或图片)
    To be pictured somewhere, for example in a newspaper or magazine, means to appear in a photograph or picture.

    e.g. The golfer is pictured on many of the front pages, kissing his trophy as he holds it aloft.
    e.g. ...a woman who claimed she had been pictured dancing with a celebrity in Stringfellows nightclub...

5. 影片;电影
    You can refer to a film as a picture .

    e.g. Warner Communications Inc. has refused to distribute the picture in the United States.
    e.g. ...a director of epic action pictures.

6. 电影院
    If you go to the pictures, you go to a cinema to see a film.

    e.g. We''re going to the pictures tonight...
    e.g. I''d rather see it at the pictures than on video anyway.

in AM, use 美国英语用 the movies

7. 想象;印象;心中的形象;头脑中的情景
    If you have a picture of something in your mind, you have a clear idea or memory of it in your mind as if you were actually seeing it.


    e.g. They have in their mind a picture of what an alcoholic should look like...
    e.g. We are just trying to get our picture of the whole afternoon straight...

8. 想象;设想
    If you picture something in your mind, you think of it and have such a clear memory or idea of it that you seem to be able to see it.

    e.g. He pictured her with long black braided hair...
    e.g. I never would have pictured this as her home...

9. 描述;描绘;写照
    A picture of something is a description of it or an indication of what it is like.

    e.g. I''ll try and give you a better picture of what the boys do...
    e.g. Her book paints a bleak picture of the problems women now face...

10. 事态;情况;局面
      When you refer to the picture in a particular place, you are referring to the situation there.

      e.g. But as with other charitable bodies, these figures mask the true picture...
      e.g. It''s a similar picture across the border in Ethiopia.

11. (尤指通过他人描述)弄明白情况,了解情形
      If you get the picture, you understand the situation, especially one which someone is describing to you.


      e.g. Luke never tells you the whole story, but you always get the picture.

12. 牵涉其中/不涉其中;在局内/在局外
      If you say that someone is in the picture, you mean that they are involved in the situation that you are talking about. If you say that they are out of the picture, you mean that they are not involved in the situation.

      e.g. Meyerson is back in the picture after disappearing in July...
      e.g. Sometimes security was so tight that people who might have had something important to offer were left out of the picture.

13. (形容模样)健康的化身/痛苦的典型
      You use picture to describe what someone looks like. For example, if you say that someone is a picture of health or the picture of misery, you mean that they look extremely healthy or extremely miserable.

      e.g. We found her standing on a chair, the picture of terror, screaming hysterically.

14. 使了解内情;向…介绍情况
      If you put someone in the picture, you tell them about a situation which they need to know about.

      e.g. Has Inspector Fayard put you in the picture?

picture 英英释义


1. graphic art consisting of an artistic composition made by applying paints to a surface

    e.g. a small painting by Picasso
           he bought the painting as an investment
           his pictures hang in the Louvre

    Synonym: painting

2. a representation of a person or scene in the form of a print or transparent slide
    recorded by a camera on light-sensitive material

    Synonym: photographphotoexposurepic

3. a visual representation (of an object or scene or person or abstraction) produced on a surface

    e.g. they showed us the pictures of their wedding
           a movie is a series of images projected so rapidly that the eye integrates them

    Synonym: imageiconikon

4. a typical example of some state or quality

    e.g. the very picture of a modern general
           she was the picture of despair

5. a clear and telling mental image

    e.g. he described his mental picture of his assailant
           he had no clear picture of himself or his world
           the events left a permanent impression in his mind

    Synonym: mental pictureimpression

6. the visible part of a television transmission

    e.g. they could still receive the sound but the picture was gone

    Synonym: video

7. a form of entertainment that enacts a story by sound and a sequence of images giving the illusion of continuous movement

    e.g. they went to a movie every Saturday night
           the film was shot on location

    Synonym: moviefilmmoving picturemoving-picture showmotion picturemotion-picture showpicture showpicflick

8. illustrations used to decorate or explain a text

    e.g. the dictionary had many pictures

    Synonym: pictorial matter

9. a graphic or vivid verbal description

    e.g. too often the narrative was interrupted by long word pictures
           the author gives a depressing picture of life in Poland
           the pamphlet contained brief characterizations of famous Vermonters

    Synonym: word pictureword-paintingdelineationdepictioncharacterizationcharacterisation

10. a situation treated as an observable object

    e.g. the political picture is favorable
           the religious scene in England has changed in the last century

    Synonym: scene



1. imagine
    conceive of
    see in one''s mind

    e.g. I can''t see him on horseback!
           I can see what will happen
           I can see a risk in this strategy

    Synonym: visualizevisualiseenvisionprojectfancyseefigureimage

2. show in, or as in, a picture

    e.g. This scene depicts country life
           the face of the child is rendered with much tenderness in this painting

    Synonym: depictrendershow

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