1. 叩诊:现代医学发展至今已超过一百年,医师到病房床侧,询问病人病情发生的经过(history taking),从头到脚对病人施以身体检查(physical examination),内容包含视诊(inspection)、触诊(palpation)、叩诊(percussion)、及听诊(auscultation),
2. 打击乐:接下来你会看到 8 轨各自的参数表. 从第一轨到第七轨是一样的. 第八轨为打击乐(PERCUSSION)轨. 它的参数相对少一点.
3. percussion:perc; 打击乐器
1. 打击乐器
Percussion instruments are musical instruments that you hit, such as drums.
1. the act of exploding a percussion cap
2. the act of playing a percussion instrument
3. tapping a part of the body for diagnostic purposes
Synonym: pleximetry
4. the section of a band or orchestra that plays percussion instruments
Synonym: percussion sectionrhythm section