
perch [pɜ:tʃ]  [pɜ:rtʃ] 


perch 基本解释

名词鲈鱼; 高处; 栖息处; 栖枝


及物/不及物动词栖息; 停留; (使)坐; (使)坐在…边沿

perch 相关例句


1. The pagoda is perched on top of the hill.

2. Little birds perch themselves on the branches.


1. The stone buildings perch on a hill crest.


1. He has a new perch as president of the university.

2. The bird took its perch on a tree branch.

perch 网络解释

1. 鲈鱼:鲈鱼知识介绍: 鲈鱼(Perch)品种很多,如黄鲈、湖鲈、白鲈等. 鲈鱼体侧偏,成鱼长30~60cm,嘴大,背厚,鳞小,栖于近海,冬季回游到淡水中,性凶猛,以小鱼虾等为食. 鲈鱼肉呈白色,刺少,肉质细嫩、爽滑,鲜味突出. 鲈鱼在全世界温带沿海地区均有出产,

2. 河鲈:SS)----通常以深海中的鱼类或其他生物的名称命名,例如:河鲈(Perch)、鲟鱼(Sturgeon)、梭鱼(Barracuda)、鲸(Whale)护航驱逐舰(DE)----通常以在第二次世界大战的对敌行动中阵亡的美国海军、海军陆战队和海岸警卫队成员的姓名命名,

3. 河鲈鱼:octopus 鱆鱼 | perch 河鲈鱼 | plaice欧蝶鱼

perch 词典解释

The form perch is used for both the singular and plural in meaning 8. 义项8的单复数同形。

1. 坐在…边缘;坐在…顶端
    If you perch on something, you sit down lightly on the very edge or tip of it.

    e.g. He lit a cigarette and perched on the corner of the desk...
    e.g. He perched himself on the side of the bed.

She was perched on the edge of the sofa.

2. 在…顶部;在…边缘
    To perch somewhere means to be on the top or edge of something.

    e.g. ...the vast slums that perch precariously on top of the hills around which the city was built.

St. John''s is a small college perched high up in the hills...
Frank''s tinted glasses are perched precariously on his head.

3. 把…置于;使立稳于…的边缘(或顶部)
    If you perch something on something else, you put or balance it on the top or edge of that thing.

    e.g. The builders have perched a light concrete dome on eight slender columns.

4. (鸟)栖息,停留
    When a bird perches on something such as a branch or a wall, it lands on it and stands there.

    e.g. A blackbird flew down and perched on the parapet outside his window.

5. (鸟的)栖木,栖枝
    A perch is a short rod for a bird to stand on.

6. 高位,高处
    You can refer to a high place where someone is sitting as their perch .


7. 赶下神坛
    If someone is knocked off their perch, they are no longer admired or no longer thought of as important or clever.

    e.g. There is a trend for knocking public-school headmasters and headmistresses off their perches.

8. 鲈鱼;河鲈
      A perch is an edible fish. There are several kinds of perch.

perch 英英释义


1. any of numerous spiny-finned fishes of various families of the order Perciformes

2. spiny-finned freshwater food and game fishes

3. support consisting of a branch or rod that serves as a resting place (especially for a bird)

4. any of numerous fishes of America and Europe

5. an elevated place serving as a seat

6. a square rod of land

    Synonym: rodpole

7. a linear measure of 16.5 feet

    Synonym: rodpole


1. sit, as on a branch

    e.g. The birds perched high in the tree

    Synonym: roostrest

2. cause to perch or sit

    e.g. She perched her hat on her head

3. to come to rest, settle

    e.g. Misfortune lighted upon him

    Synonym: alightlight

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