1. 教师:由於西方教师(pedagogue)的起源很低微,使教师一职在历史环境交互影响的结果之下,在目前西方社会中与其他专业相比,仍处於较低的地位,无论在个人方面或是整个团体方面,教师仍然无法像律师、工程师、医师及大企业家可享受相当的权利与地位.
2. 文学教师(蔑称):private tutor 私人教师,家庭教师 | pedagogue 文学教师(蔑称) | of school age 教龄
3. pedagogue什么意思
3. 教仆{古希腊};教育学者:教义问答教学法{要理问答教学法}||catechetic; catechism; catechetic method | 教仆{古希腊};教育学者||pedagogue | 启蒙运动||Enlightenment; The enlightenment
4. 教师,教育者:376. pawnbroker: 典当商,当铺老板. | 377. pedagogue: 教师,教育者. | 378. pedant: 迂腐之人,书呆子.
1. 好为人师者;卖弄学问的人
If you describe someone as a pedagogue, you mean that they like to teach people things in a firm way as if they know more than anyone else.
e.g. De Gaulle was a born pedagogue who used the public platform and the television screen to great effect.