1. 口令,密码:10 密码/口令:各种口令/密码(password)建议按照客户规范设置,使用密文格式,符合安全要求,不主张使用用户名充做口令. 1.5
2. password
2. 修改密码:智能锁启动时,在配置界面双击五维键封闭配置程序的时间重设密码(Password)失效时间,即下次访问加锁内容必须输入密码(Password)修改邮件可能(May)不加锁的BUG修改密码(Password)界面可能(May)无法显示的BUG收到新短消息时不要求输入密码(Password),
1. 口令;密码
A password is a secret word or phrase that you must know in order to be allowed to enter a place such as a military base, or to be allowed to use a computer system.
e.g. Advance and give the password...
e.g. No-one could use the computer unless they had a password.
1. a secret word or phrase known only to a restricted group
e.g. he forgot the password
Synonym: watchwordwordparolecountersign