
passion [ˈpæʃn]  [ˈpæʃn] 


passion 基本解释

名词激情,热情; 热心,爱好; 热恋; 酷爱


passion 同义词

passion 反义词

passion 相关词组


1. have a passion for : 对...有强烈的爱好;

passion 相关例句


1. You may have a passion for her, but it isn''t love.

2. At those words of mine he broke into a violent passion.

3. She had a passion for music.

4. passion的反义词

4. They sang with great passion.

passion 情景对话


A:What do you do?

B:I work in sales for money, but my real passion is writing.


A:What do you write?

B:I am writing a book based on my childhood. It’s about a friendship between a boy and his grandfather..

A:That sounds interesting. How about your sales job? Do you enjoy it?

B:Not really, but it pays the bills. What about you? Where do you work?

A:I work for a large advertising agency.

B:What do you do exactly?

A:I work in the finance department.


B:Have you been there long?

A:This is just my first year. I’m hoping to get a promotion next year.

B:Good luck with that.

A:Thanks! Keep me posted about your book!
      谢谢! 随时告诉我你书的进展。


A:So, what’s your educational background?

B:I graduate from high school with a 4.0, graduated from university with a degree in English, and am currently in the middle of obtaining a master’s degree in Linguistics.
      我以4.0 的成绩从高中毕业, 大学获得了英语学士学位,近来正在读语言学硕士学位。

A:What university did you go to ?

B:I went to UCB, the university of California, Berkeley.

A:Are you from California originally?


B:No, I’m from Colorado. I received a full scholarship to UCB, so I went.
      不,我来自科罗拉州,我活得了UCB 全额奖学金,所以我去那里了。

A:That’s great. How did you like your classes there?

B:I like my professors a lot. They seemed to have a lot of passion for teaching. They weren’t the stuffy professors that I thought they’d be.。
      我很喜欢我的教授。 他们似乎有很多教学热情。他们不是我想象的那种乏味的教授

A:How about the other students? Did you get along well with them?

B:The students were from all over the country. I found that most of my friends were people who were from the mid-west?

A:That’s interesting. Why do you think that is?

B:I’m not sure. I lived in Iowa during middle school, so I guess we had that in common. Mid-westerners and people from the west coast have a different view of the world.

A:What do you mean?

B:It’s hard to explain. I guess people from the west coast come off as a bit snobby sometimes, especially if you aren’t come from the west coast。


A:I see. Well, thanks for coming in for the interview. My secretary will get back to you within a week.

passion 网络解释

1. 受难曲:在这种环境下,合唱已发展为四个重要的形式:神剧(Oratorial)、受难曲(Passion)、清唱剧(Cantata)及经文歌(Motet). 直到十九世纪初期,合唱艺术都是在教堂中扮演著服侍上帝的角色,而十九世纪末、二十世纪初时,则转移至学校及业余合唱团体了.


2. 受难乐:16.受难乐(passion)用音乐表现<圣经>>福音书中耶稣受难故事的古老题材. 17.华丽风格(glant style)音乐风格富于装饰性,崇尚雅致优美,形式结构短小、赏心悦目,供人娱乐与绘画中的洛可可相对应,是古典主义的先声,有大库伯兰倡导.

passion 词典解释

1. 强烈的情欲;热恋
    Passion is strong sexual feelings towards someone.

    e.g. ...my passion for a dark-haired, slender boy named James.
    e.g. ...the expression of love and passion.

2. 热情;激情;强烈的感情
    Passion is a very strong feeling about something or a strong belief in something.


    e.g. He spoke with great passion.
    e.g. ...the passion and commitment of the Republican candidate.

3. 强烈爱好;酷爱
    If you have a passion for something, you have a very strong interest in it and like it very much.

    e.g. She had a passion for gardening...
    e.g. His other great passion was Italy.

passion 英英释义


1. the trait of being intensely emotional

    Synonym: heatwarmth

2. any object of warm affection or devotion

    e.g. the theater was her first love
           he has a passion for cock fighting

    Synonym: love

3. a strong feeling or emotion

    Synonym: passionateness

4. a feeling of strong sexual desire

5. an irrational but irresistible motive for a belief or action

    Synonym: maniacacoethes

6. something that is desired intensely

    e.g. his rage for fame destroyed him

    Synonym: rage

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