
parenthesis [pəˈrenθəsɪs]  [pəˈrɛnθɪsɪs] 


parenthesis 基本解释

名词圆括号; 插入语; 插入成分; 间歇

parenthesis 相关词组

1. by way of parenthesis : 附带地;

parenthesis 相关例句


1. parenthesis

1. Put the word in parenthesis.

2. parenthesis

2. Do not read the parenthesis.

3. Parentheses come in pairs.

parenthesis 网络解释

1. parenthesis是什么意思

1. 括号:也就是说运算符是有优先级(Precedence)的,*和/是同一优先级,+和-是同一优先级,*和/的优先级高于+和-. 对于同一优先级的运算从左到右计算,如果不希望按默认的优先级计算则要加()括号(Parenthesis). 例如(3+4)*5/6应先算3+4,再算*5,再算/6.

2. 括弧:若找到比对则会呼叫第三个参数regs,比对的结果会储存在regs的元素之中,$regs[1]为符合第一个左边括弧(parenthesis)的部份字符串

3. 插入语:谈英语中常见插入语的使用预览:插入语(parenthesis)在英语中属于独立成分,它起着对一句话进行附加解释或说明的作用. 它们中绝大部分可位于句首、句中或句末,并用逗号与其它成分隔开,其行文非常美观. 若学生在英语作文、会话中使用恰当,

4. parenthesis

4. 圆括号:double quotation marks 双引号 | ( )parenthesis 圆括号 | [ ]square brackets 方括号

parenthesis 词典解释

1. 圆括号
    Parentheses are a pair of curved marks that you put around words or numbers to indicate that they are additional, separate, or less important. (This sentence is in parentheses.)

2. 插入语
    A parenthesis is a remark that is made in the middle of a piece of speech or writing, and which gives a little more information about the subject being discussed.

3. 插一句
    You say ''in parenthesis'' to indicate that you are about to add something before going back to the main topic.

    e.g. In parenthesis, I''d say that there were two aspects to writing you must never lose sight of.

parenthesis 英英释义



1. a message that departs from the main subject

    Synonym: digressionasideexcursusdivagation

2. either of two punctuation marks (or) used to enclose textual material

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