1. 妄想症:尽管,我能因为我的这一套错综复杂、貌似难以辩驳的的妄想系统而意识到自己可能成了妄想症(paranoia)患者,然而,难以阻遏且无可逆转地,我还是陷入了一种与羊共体、自我沦丧的惶恐不安之中.
2. 多疑症:(2) 精神疾病:如忧郁症(melancholia),此病的患者常受到自杀的诱惑,由其所谓抑郁狂发作之际,另外精神分裂症(schizophrenia)和多疑症(paranoia)的患者;当表现惧怕和逃避时,也会萌发自杀的念头.
1. 疑惧;多疑
If you say that someone suffers from paranoia, you think that they are too suspicious and afraid of other people.
e.g. The mood is one of paranoia and expectation of war.
e.g. ...the mounting paranoia with which he viewed the world around him.
2. 偏执狂;妄想症
In psychology, if someone suffers from paranoia, they wrongly believe that other people are trying to harm them, or believe themselves to be much more important than they really are.
1. a psychological disorder characterized by delusions of persecution or grandeur