1. 万魔殿:大战後期由於女儿费耶娜的鼎力相助,终取得压倒性胜利,战後领有地狱第一层─万魔殿(Pandemonium). 3.利维亚(Livia):原初的地狱之王.鬼王别西卜(Beelzebub)的随从兼继承人,於别西卜死後率领魔物全体归降露西华,是露西华能迅速掌控地狱的关键.
2. 混战场:pandemic 大流行的 | Pandemonium 混战场 | pander 勾引
3. 伏魔殿:brusthonin 定居者营地 | beluslan 贝鲁斯兰要塞 | pandemonium 伏魔殿
1. 喧闹;嘈杂;混乱
If there is pandemonium in a place, the people there are behaving in a very noisy and uncontrolled way.
e.g. There was pandemonium in court as the judge gave his summing up...
e.g. Pandemonium broke out as they ran into the street shouting.
1. a state of extreme confusion and disorder