1. 万能药:在正确适用这些规定的案子(intherightcase)中,这些条款是万能药(panacea而在错误适用这些规定的案子(wrong case)中, 它们则会 [1]被用作施加威胁(intimidation)的工具.
1. 灵丹妙药;万能之计
If you say that something is not a panacea for a particular set of problems, you mean that it will not solve all those problems.
e.g. Membership of the ERM is not a panacea for Britain''s economic problems...
e.g. Western aid may help but will not be a panacea.
1. hypothetical remedy for all ills or diseases
once sought by the alchemists
Synonym: nostrumcatholiconcure-all