1. 绘图程序:其一,可以再安装一个绘图程序(Painter)用于绘制覆盖图. 但是,这种方式不支持交互功能,比如说按钮或文本字段. 其二,可以使用实际的 Swing 组件. JXMapViewer 是一个 JPanel 子类. 因此,要实现鼠标悬停效果,我们可以添加组件作为 JXMapViewer 的子类,
2. painter
2. 漆工:西安阿尔斯通永济电气设备有限公司喷漆工(Painter)职位要求 主要职责:西安阿尔斯通永济电气设备有限公司喷漆工(Painter)福利待遇西安地区喷漆工(Painter)职位市场平均工资更多西安地区喷漆工(Painter)职位招聘陕西省西安周边城
3. painter的翻译
3. 画板:方法为:在DATAWINDOW画板(PAINTER)中,双击相应的列,弹出COLUMN OBJECT 对话框,选取EXPRESSIONS页,在PROTECT后的框中写入IF(条件表达式,1,0). 灵活使用条件表达式可以获得多种保护效果. (1)只允许修改新插入的行 在一个DATAWINDOW中,
1. 画家
A painter is an artist who paints pictures.
2. 油漆工
A painter is someone who paints walls, doors, and some other parts of buildings as their job.
1. large American feline resembling a lion
Synonym: cougarpumacatamountmountain lionpantherFelis concolor
2. a line that is attached to the bow of a boat and used for tying up (as when docking or towing)
3. an artist who paints
4. a worker who is employed to cover objects with paint