1. 旅馆侍者:旅馆式公寓套间/service flat | 旅馆侍者/pack rat | 旅客证件检查/road control
2. 911查询·英语单词
2. 小偷:小数目/two cents | 小偷/pack rat | 小头头/pannikin boss
3. pack rat的近义词
3. 行李搬运工:行军床/tent bed | 行李搬运工/pack rat | 行李寄存/left luggage
4. 巡游探矿者:巡逻警车/panda car | 巡游探矿者/pack rat | 驯养员,驯兽师/cat man
1. any of several bushy-tailed rodents of the genus Neotoma of western North America
hoards food and other objects
Synonym: packrattrade ratbushytail woodratNeotoma cinerea
2. someone who collects things that have been discarded by others