1. 傲慢的, 专横的:extrophia 外翻 | overbearing 傲慢的, 专横的 | star witness 主要的证人
2. 傲慢的:overbear 压服 | overbearing 傲慢的 | overbid 出价高
3. 蛮横的:overbear 结实过多 | overbearing 蛮横的 | overbearing 骄傲自大的
4. 骄傲自大的:overbearing 蛮横的 | overbearing 骄傲自大的 | overbearinghigh-handedofliquor,medicine,etcstrongpotentfeudalrulebyforcearbitrariness 霸道
1. 傲慢的;专横的;盛气凌人的;飞扬跋扈的
An overbearing person tries to make other people do what he or she wants in an unpleasant and forceful way.
e.g. My husband can be quite overbearing with our son.