1. Also there is a tendency for natural or uncontrolled solutions to over-correct the problem.
2. They recognise that there are better people out there so they `over-correct` on the downside to take advantage.
3. Just as markets can over-correct, so can businesses.
4. We don''t want to over-correct — we want a balanced style of parenting that''s clear, consistent, and positive.
5. Perhaps the biggest reason companies over-correct during tough economic times is that they can bring in new talent more easily – and often more cheaply – than they could in a good economy.
6. over-correct
6. Companies are also more likely to announce mass job losses today than they were 20 or 30 years ago, which also enables them to over-correct, says Detlev Suderow, a professor at Brandeis International Business School who specialises in international human resource management.