公共查询英语单词大全out of sight是什么意思

out of sight是什么意思 out of sight在线翻译 out of sight什么意思 out of sight的意思 out of sight的翻译 out of sight的解释 out of sight的发音

out of sight [aut ɔv sait]  [aʊt ʌv saɪt] 

out of sight 基本解释



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out of sight 相关例句


1. out of sight的解释

1. That birthday gift was really out of sight.

2. His new sports car is really out of sight.

3. The train was soon out of sight.

out of sight 网络解释

1. danci.edu.pub

1. 看不见:1964年,他抛开与金唱片公司的合约于不顾,全身心投入到Smash唱片公司<<看不见>>(Out of Sight)的录制中,因而惹上官司,被禁唱一年. <<看不见>>登上美国R&B歌曲榜冠军宝座,而且打入流行歌曲排行榜前40名. 从此,詹姆斯音乐的新时代真正开始了.

2. 战略高手:新版<<凤凰劫>>的编剧是大名鼎鼎的斯科特弗兰克. <<战略高手>>(Out of Sight)和<<少数派报告>>(Minority Report)都出自他的手笔. 此次同小他十岁的约翰摩尔合作重拍39年前的经典影片对斯科特来说可谓一次全新的尝试.

3. 视线之外:演出机会接踵而至--Anaconda、<<血与酒>>(Blood and Wine)、<>(U-Turn)和<<视线之外>>(Out Of Sight)获影评评价不错--而拍<<塞琳娜>>又激发了洛佩滋对音乐的热爱.

4. out of sight在线翻译

4. 看不见,在视野之外:out of question 毫无疑问 | out of sight 看不见,在视野之外 | out of step 和...步调不一致

out of sight 英英释义


1. not accessible to view

    e.g. concealed (or hidden) damage
           in stormy weather the stars are out of sight

    Synonym: concealedhidden


1. quietly in concealment

    e.g. he lay doggo

    Synonym: doggoin hiding

2. no longer visible

    e.g. the ship disappeared behind the horizon and passed out of sight

    Synonym: out of view

out of sight是什么意思,out of sight在线翻译,out of sight什么意思,out of sight的意思,out of sight的翻译,out of sight的解释,out of sight的发音,out of sight的同义词,out of sight的反义词,out of sight的例句,out of sight的相关词组,out of sight意思是什么,out of sight怎么翻译,单词out of sight是什么意思
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