1. She maintains a certain orderliness in all these things.
1. 秩序:自然设计模式摒弃了追求人工的秩序(orderliness)和功能分区(zoning)的传统规划模式强调各项土地利用自然资源的固有价值;而景观生态规划模式则强调景观空间格局(pattern)对过程(process)的控制和影响,并试图通过格局的改变来维持景观功能流的健康与安全,
2. 井然有序:在进行医疗照护时,医师会让病人感受到舒适 (comfort)、医疗过程井然有序 (orderliness) 及医疗环境很乾净 (cleanliness). 3. Who:谁是好医师? 在进行医疗照护时,好的医师会对病人表现出友善的态度 (friendliness)、热诚 (enthuses)、重视身体语言的 (body language)─聆听,
3. 整齐:order 订购 | orderliness 整齐 | orderly marketing agreement 有秩序销售协定
4. 有秩序:ordering 调整 | orderliness 有秩序 | orderly market 有序市场
1. the quality of appreciating method and system
Synonym: methodicalness
2. a condition of regular or proper arrangement
e.g. he put his desk in order
the machine is now in working order
Synonym: order