1. 有序的:标签的名称 (title) 用尖括号(即小於、大於符号)夹起来,放在被标记文字国际标准组织 (ISO) 规定的字元集(除此以外还有很多其他的字元集,但是你可以使用三种不同的表列:有序的 (ordered)、无序的 (unordered) 以及
2. 预定:它允许以回写(writeback)预定(ordered),数据(data)三种方式记录日志,默认为预定. 并默认在日志添满1/4,或某一个日志记时器超时时提交日志. 4.数据库事务的四大特性是什么?请你简单举例对一个完全不懂数据库的人解释这四个特性.
3. 是否允许用户重新对列表项排序:OnQuickLaunch:是否有首页的快速启动中显示 | Ordered:是否允许用户重新对列表项排序 | ParentWeb:列表属于的父网站
4. danci.edu.pub
4. 有规则的:有节奏的 rhythmic | 有规则的 ordered | 主观的 subjective
1. (社会、制度等)组织有序的,结构井然的
An ordered society or system is well-organized and has a clear structure.
e.g. An objective set of rules which we all agree to accept is necessary for any ordered society.
1. marked by an orderly, logical, and aesthetically consistent relation of parts
e.g. a coherent argument
Synonym: coherentconsistentlogical
2. having a systematic arrangement
especially having elements succeeding in order according to rule
e.g. an ordered sequence
3. disposed or placed in a particular kind of order
e.g. the carefully arranged chessmen
haphazardly arranged interlobular septa
comfortable chairs arranged around the fireplace
Synonym: arranged