

one-quarter 双语例句

1. one-quarter什么意思

1. Last year in this report, I described my family''s delight with the one-quarter (200 flight hours annually) of a Hawker 1000 that we had owned since 1995. I got so pumped up by my own prose that shortly thereafter I signed up for one-sixteenth of a Cessna V Ultra as well. Now my annual outlays at EJA and Borsheim''s, combined, total ten times my salary. Think of this as a rough guideline for your own expenditures with us. During the past year, two of Berkshire''s outside directors have also signed on with EJA. Maybe we''re paying them too much.
    去年在年报当中,我曾经形容我的家族自从 1995 年来买下四分之一的(也就是每年 200 小时)的霍克 1000 型飞机所有权的愉快经验,不久之后,我又再接再厉签约买下一架 Cessna V Ultra 型六分之一的所有权,现在每年我在 EJA 以及波仙珠宝的花费大概是我年薪的十倍,如此大家可以据此推算你可以负担的底限在哪里。

2. one-quarter

2. If you spend 40 of those at work, that means you''ll pass one-quarter of your week there.

3. The density of this planet is only about one-quarter that of water.

4. At the other end of the spectrum one-quarter are not interested.

5. If you spend 40 of those at work, that means youll pass one-quarter of your week there.

6. Think about people that don`t own one-quarter of it.

7. Of about 1, 000 different nuclides now known, only about one-quarter are stable

8. Bishop`s collected poems is one-quarter of that length.

9. Since C anadian m etropolitan areas have only one-quarter the num ber of kilom eters of superhighw ays per capita as U nited States m etropolitan areas – and at least as m uch resistance to constructing m ore – suburbanization of peoples and functions is less extensive north of the border than south.

10. At the University of Washington, for example, in recent years, as many as one-quarter of the students found they were unable to get into a humanities course.

11. B where hourly overtime is payable for hours worked in excess of those covered by the consolidated wage, the hourly rate should be not less than one and one-quarter times the basic rate corresponding to the normal hours of work as defined in paragraph 1 of this Guideline; the same principle should be applied to the overtime hours included in the consolidated wage
      b 凡对超出合并工资所涵盖的工作时间按每小时加班支付的,该小时报酬率不应低于本导则第1款所界定的与正常工时间对应的基本工资率的1.25倍;同样的原则也适用于包括在合并工资内的加班时间

12. One-quarter cup in a gallon of warm water makes a great cleaner to wipe down walls, too.

13. one-quarter什么意思

13. If this reputation for skullduggery is right, Switzerland, home to about one-quarter of the world`s offshore money, is in big trouble.

14. He is one of 1, 000 employees — more than one-quarter of the work force — laid off last year.

15. Only about one-quarter of eligible tax able buildings were on the tax roll.

16. Add this mixture to 4 teaspoons of grapeseed oil and one-quarter teaspoon of jojoba oil.

17. In the past, local venture capital funds raised one-quarter of never more than 1 billion U. S. dollars level.

18. Coal is still used, mostly in power stations, to cover one-quarter of our energy needs, but it is the least efficient, unhealthiest and most environmentally damaging fossil fuel.

19. Standard which has become a major feature of industries, with manufacturers of 3899, the annual processing capacity of more than 30 million tons, annual output value of more than 12 million passengers on more than 2 million products sold to 30 provinces, cities and districts, accounting for standard one-quarter of market share and become the standard in North China''s largest distribution center for production and marketing pieces.

20. one-quarter的翻译

20. 60Asia, with more than one-quarter of the world`s potential hydropower, has developed only 9 percent of its vast exploitable resource.

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