
officer [ˈɒfɪsə(r)]  [ˈɔ:fɪsə(r)] 


officer 基本解释

名词军官,警官; 高级职员; 公务员; 船长

动词指挥; 统率; 管理; 配置军官

officer 反义词



officer 相关例句


1. The army was officered by brave men.


1. officer

1. The officers live here, and the enlisted men over there.

2. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

2. A police officer came to our help when our car broke down on the way.

3. officer在线翻译

3. Bank officers are well-paid.

officer 情景对话

At the Airport-(在机场)

A:Is the nine o'clock flight from Montreal on time?

B:Flight 496? No, it's running twenty minutes behind.They're due on the field at nine twentyfive. Probably Gate 34.
      是496航班吗?不,它晚点二十分钟。 应该在九点二十五分着陆,大概是34号门。

A:I have reservations on Flight 27 to Mexico City.

B:May I see your tickets, please? You confirmed your reservations?

A:Yes, this afternoon.


B:Here we are, Mrs.Jonhnson. Do you have any baggage?

A:No. Just this overnight case.

B:Fine. Let's see, now. flight 27 is right on time.You'll be leaving from Gate 13 on the eastern concourse.

A:Is there anything else to do before flight time?

B:No, ma'am. Just show your ticket to the boarding officer as you get on the plane. The rest is our job. Have a good trip, Mrs.Johnson.



A:You've traveled abroad a lot, Jim, so would you like to tell me something about clearing customs.


B:When you arrive in a country, you clear customs. A lot of countries have two channels: the green channel and the red channel. Some countries, like India, have three channels: the white channel, the green channel and the red channel.

A:Then what are the differences between the green channel and red channel?

B:If you have more than the duty-free allowances or prohibited goods, you go through the red channel and declare them to a customs officer. If you otherwise have nothing to declare, you go straight through the green channel unless you are asked to stop by an officer. 如果你携带的东西超出免税的范围或属于禁带物品,你

A:I see.I'm told that we'll have to state the purpose of going to a certain country, is it true?

B:That's right. People go aboard for different purposes: some for pleasure, some on vacation, some on business, and some for other purposes.

A:I'm going to New Zealand for sightseeing. What should I say if they ask about my purpose?


B:Just saying "sightseeing" is OK.

officer 网络解释

1. 警官:才靠近门口而已,一个小女孩Darathy和机器人Toto就向你求援:原来有个警官(officer)拿着炸药,威胁要炸掉发电厂. 这种重大的事情当然要帮忙罗,於是你随着小女孩进去找那个警官谈判-说话技巧不高明的角色请先存档.

officer 词典解释

1. 军官
    In the armed forces, an officer is a person in a position of authority.

    e.g. ...a retired British army officer...
    e.g. Her husband served during the Civil War as an officer in the White Army.

2. (机构的)高级职员;(尤指政府机构的)官员,公务员
    An officer is a person who has a responsible position in an organization, especially a government organization.

    e.g. ...a local authority education officer.

3. 警察;警官
    Members of the police force can be referred to as officers .


    e.g. ...senior officers in the West Midlands police force...
    e.g. Thank you, Officer.

4. see also: commanding officer;petty officer;pilot officer;police officer;probation officer;returning officer;warrant officer

officer 英英释义



1. any person in the armed services who holds a position of authority or command

    e.g. an officer is responsible for the lives of his men

    Synonym: military officer

2. someone who is appointed or elected to an office and who holds a position of trust

    e.g. he is an officer of the court
           the club elected its officers for the coming year

    Synonym: officeholder

3. a person authorized to serve in a position of authority on a vessel

    e.g. he is the officer in charge of the ship''s engines

    Synonym: ship''s officer

4. a member of a police force

    e.g. it was an accident, officer

    Synonym: policemanpolice officer


1. direct or command as an officer

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