


obtaining 基本解释

动词获得( obtain的现在分词 ); 买到; (规则、制度、习俗等)存在; 流行


obtaining 情景对话


A:So, what’s your educational background?


B:I graduate from high school with a 4.0, graduated from university with a degree in English, and am currently in the middle of obtaining a master’s degree in Linguistics.
      我以4.0 的成绩从高中毕业, 大学获得了英语学士学位,近来正在读语言学硕士学位。


A:What university did you go to ?

B:I went to UCB, the university of California, Berkeley.

A:Are you from California originally?

B:No, I’m from Colorado. I received a full scholarship to UCB, so I went.
      不,我来自科罗拉州,我活得了UCB 全额奖学金,所以我去那里了。

A:That’s great. How did you like your classes there?

B:I like my professors a lot. They seemed to have a lot of passion for teaching. They weren’t the stuffy professors that I thought they’d be.。
      我很喜欢我的教授。 他们似乎有很多教学热情。他们不是我想象的那种乏味的教授

A:How about the other students? Did you get along well with them?

B:The students were from all over the country. I found that most of my friends were people who were from the mid-west?


A:That’s interesting. Why do you think that is?

B:I’m not sure. I lived in Iowa during middle school, so I guess we had that in common. Mid-westerners and people from the west coast have a different view of the world.


A:What do you mean?


B:It’s hard to explain. I guess people from the west coast come off as a bit snobby sometimes, especially if you aren’t come from the west coast。

A:I see. Well, thanks for coming in for the interview. My secretary will get back to you within a week.

obtaining 网络解释

1. obtaining

1. 获取:4、分析的全过程由获取(obtaining)、表达(represnting)和验证(verifying)三个方面组成. 5、每种特定的UML图就是系统模型的一个视图. UML大部分图表(diagram)都是属于graph类型的. 也就是说它是由图形元素以及连接图形元素的线组成的.1 用例:用来定义系统执行的一组操作(action),

2. 谋求:11. The Enigma 破解谜团 | 12. Obtaining 谋求 | 13. Enmity of Kinsmen 亲族间的仇恨

3. obtaining的近义词

3. 获得:non-consumable 非消耗 | obtaining 获得 | optimal results 最佳结果

4. 公共查询·英语单词

4. 求取:11. The Enigma 谜题 | 12. Obtaining 求取 | 13. Enmity of Kinsmen 亲族间的仇恨

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