1. 气象台:黔南州气象局(Bureau of Meteorology)气象台(Observatory)继续发...贵州省贵阳市发布雷电(Thunder)黄色预警 发布日期:2010年04月07日...贵州省黔东南苗族侗族自治州发布雷电(Thunder)黄色预警 发布日期...贵州省黔南布依族苗族自
2. 了望台:另外,蝶族还有三种非常有用的兵种是在机器工厂中生产出来的,分别是运输机(Shuttle)、劫掠者(Reaver杀伤力极大但移动缓慢)以及空间探测器(Observer),对应于劫掠者和空间探测器需分别建好RoboticsSupportBay和了望台(Observatory).
3. 观象台、天文台:North-Up Display: GPS屏幕显示真北向上 | Observatory: 观象台、天文台 | Offset: 偏移量
1. 天文台;观象台;天文观测站
An observatory is a building with a large telescope from which scientists study things such as the planets by watching them.
1. a structure commanding a wide view of its surroundings
Synonym: lookoutobservation towerlookout station
2. a building designed and equipped to observe astronomical phenomena