1. northbound
1. 北行的:north-northwest 北西北 | northbound 北行的 | northeast by east 东北偏东方向
2. 北上线:Non-reserved Seat 自由席 | Northbound 北上线 | Off-peak Hour 非尖峰时段
3. northbound什么意思
3. 北上[軌]道:north tropic zone 北熱帶 | northbound 北上[軌]道 | northeast monsoon 東北季風
4. 向北航行:northabout 从北方走 | northbound 向北航行 | northbyeast 北偏东
1. 通向北的;向北行驶的
Northbound roads or vehicles lead or are travelling towards the north.
e.g. A 25 mile traffic jam clogged the northbound carriageway of the M6...
e.g. Traffic was already very congested by six thirty this morning, particularly on the M1 northbound.
1. moving toward the north
e.g. the northbound lane
we took the north train
the northward flow of traffic
Synonym: northward