
nonsense [ˈnɒnsns]  [ˈnɑ:nsens] 


nonsense 基本解释

名词胡闹; 胡说,废话; 荒谬的念头; 愚蠢的行为

形容词荒谬的; 无意义的


nonsense 同义词

nonsense 反义词


nonsense 相关词组

1. talk nonsense : 胡说八道;

nonsense 相关例句


1. The closet is full of broken toys and other nonsense.

2. Stop that nonsense, children!

3. Don''t let him fool you with nonsense like that.

4. It ''s all nonsense.

5. She told me that the moon was made of cheese. What nonsense!

nonsense 网络解释

1. 胡说八道:但正如近来许多机构所提出的警告,利差交易终有反转的一天,而当反转开始发生时,又将是一番惊天动地的资金大震荡. 诺贝尔经济奖得主托宾(J. Tobin)确实也用胡说八道(nonsense)总结其批评,议成禅师语言就是「放屁」.

2. 无义:糖(Ara)对阿拉伯糖操纵子中araB、A、D基因转录的影响是:( )B.通过DNA弯折(bending)而促进转录酶最可能是因为编码哪一种蛋白质的基因无义(nonsense)造成的:( )C.降解物激活蛋白(CAP)5.在研究细菌SOS调谐子(regulon)的作用机理时,

nonsense 词典解释

1. 胡说;假话;愚蠢的话
    If you say that something spoken or written is nonsense, you mean that you consider it to be untrue or silly.

    e.g. Most orthodox doctors however dismiss this as complete nonsense.
    e.g. ...all that poetic nonsense about love...

2. 愚蠢的举动;冒失(或轻浮)的行为
    You can use nonsense to refer to something that you think is foolish or that you disapprove of.

    e.g. Surely it is an economic nonsense to deplete the world of natural resources...
    e.g. I think there is a limit to how much of this nonsense people are going to put up with.

3. 无意义的话;荒谬的话
    You can refer to spoken or written words that do not mean anything because they do not make sense as nonsense .

    e.g. ...a children''s nonsense poem by Charles E Carryl.

4. see also: no-nonsense

5. 使变得荒唐;使失去意义
    To make a nonsense of something or to make nonsense of it means to make it seem ridiculous or pointless.


    e.g. The fighting made a nonsense of peace pledges made in London last week...
    e.g. It makes nonsense of our own rules governing laws of adoption in this country.

nonsense 英英释义


1. ornamental objects of no great value

    Synonym: folderalfalderolfrillgimcrackerygimcracktrumpery

2. a message that seems to convey no meaning

    Synonym: bunknonsensicalitymeaninglessnesshokum

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