
niggling [ˈnɪglɪŋ]  [ˈnɪɡlɪŋ] 


niggling 基本解释

形容词繁琐的; 不断烦扰的; (一件工作)费神的; 难办的

动词为小事操心,吹毛求疵( niggle的现在分词 ); 不断地烦扰

niggling 网络解释

1. 琐碎工作:niggle 拘泥小节 | niggling 琐碎工作 | nigh on 接近地

2. 琐碎的,费神的:fledgling 刚学飞的幼鸟,无经验的人 | niggling 琐碎的,费神的 | gangling 瘦长得难看的


3. 为琐事操心的:relive :重新过活, 再体验 | niggling :为琐事操心的 | floodgate :水门, (河流, 运河的)水闸, 防潮水闸

4. 为琐事操心的/萎缩的:niggliite /碲铂矿/ | niggling /为琐事操心的/萎缩的/ | nigh /在附近地/近于.../近/

niggling 词典解释

1. 麻烦的;琐碎的;细小的
    A niggling injury or worry is small but bothers you over a long period of time.

    e.g. Both players have been suffering from niggling injuries.
    e.g. ...a niggling worry that the cheap car is also the one that will cause endless trouble.

niggling 英英释义


1. (informal) small and of little importance

    e.g. a fiddling sum of money
           a footling gesture
           our worries are lilliputian compared with those of countries that are at war
           a little (or small) matter
           a dispute over niggling details
           limited to petty enterprises
           piffling efforts
           giving a police officer a free meal may be against the law, but it seems to be a picayune infraction

    Synonym: fiddlingfootlinglilliputianlittlepiddlingpifflingpettypicayunetrivial

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