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nail down是什么意思 nail down在线翻译 nail down什么意思 nail down的意思 nail down的翻译 nail down的解释 nail down的发音 nail down的同义词

nail down [neil daun]  [nel daʊn] 

nail down 基本解释

钉牢; 用钉子钉住(某物); 迫使(某人)作出决定,讲明意图[采取行动]

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nail down 相关例句


1. nail down什么意思

1. We should sign a contract with them to nail down their agreement.


2. It took the negotiators ten hours to nail down a deal.

3. She nailed down the corners of the carpet.

nail down 网络解释

1. 用钉钉住:nail down to 束缚 | nail down 用钉钉住 | nail file 指甲锉

2. 达成协议,做成生意:192. make both ends meet 收支平衡 | 193. nail down 达成协议,做成生意 | 194. another nail in your coffin 有害健康,危及生命的东西 coffin nail 香烟

3. 明确,确定(做法、协议等):multipolar world 多极世界 | nail down 明确,确定(做法、协议等) | neutrality 中立地位

4. danci.edu.pub

4. 钉牢:nail cutters ==> 指甲剪 | nail down ==> 钉牢 | nail drawer ==> 拔钉钳

nail down 词典解释

1. 弄清;确定
    If you nail down something unknown or uncertain, you find out exactly what it is.

nail down是什么意思

    e.g. It would be useful if you could nail down the source of this tension.

2. 确定(协议)
    If you nail down an agreement, you manage to reach a firm agreement with a definite result.

    e.g. The Secretary of State and his Russian counterpart met to try to nail down the elusive accord.

3. 钉牢;钉住
    If you nail something down, you fix it firmly onto something.

    e.g. Lay strips of 4mm ply over the mesh and nail these down with panel pins.

nail down 英英释义


1. make final
    put the last touches on
    put into final form

    e.g. let''s finalize the proposal

    Synonym: finalizefinalisesettle

2. define clearly

    e.g. I cannot narrow down the rules for this game

    Synonym: pin downpeg downnarrow downnarrowspecify

3. succeed in obtaining a position

    e.g. He nailed down a spot at Harvard

    Synonym: nailpeg

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