1. On repairing thither, I found a man waiting for me, having the appearance of a gentleman''s servant: he was dressed in deep mourning, and the hat he held in his hand was surrounded with a crape band.
2. Lotte-Lena sewed the mourning-band round the cham-berlain''s hat.
3. She wore a mourning arm band of black.
4. Brought her along. She had a white mourning band round her hair and was wearing a black skirt
5. It was something of a rush, getting away, as at the last moment I had to call in at Emmanuel''s place to borrow his black tie and mourning band.
6. The Saudi Arabian country''s Islamism custom, the female goes out wants the mourning band to wear a mask, only permits reveals can understand this world an eye.
7. A black band worn, as on the sleeve, as a sign of mourning. Night shortly after drew its veil over the lake, and the whole of that seemingly interminable wilderness.
8. However, during the mourning of the old emperor, the band will be deployed but no music will be played.