1. Therefore we shall appreciate it very much if you will kindly introduce us to some of the most capable and reliable importers who are interested in these lines of goods.
2. Taoists were supporters both of magic and of proto-science; they were the element of Chinese culture most interested in the study of and experiments with nature.
3. October 22, we went to the Tamae 100 Liyang fun in orchards, which, I am the odd melon plantations where differences are most interested in fruit.
4. But most of the entities who are interested in this technology are large companies, but it can be significant even for the homemaker.
5. Exactly which molecules Codexis is most interested in these days, Dr Shaw is not yet willing to say.
6. Most females want other girls to like them, and thus are interested in playing fairly and taking turns.
7. I have strong traditional values with strong love for family and friends. I am interested in politics, culture, knowledge, nature, and most of all, people.
我想要 找一个温柔善良的中国女性,希望我们能携手相搀,相濡以沫,快乐时一同欢笑,苦恼时相互安慰,我是个非常容易相处的人,我们可以试着相互理解,一起达至默契。
8. 911查询·英语单词
8. However, the most interested thing is that a group of chooks were kept for their own protection in front of the office building. I think, there isn`t another Chinese university in which we can see the chickens.
9. I am most interested in people, in them and finding out about them. Some of the remarkble people I''v met exited in writer''s imagination, then on the pages of his book, and then again, in my imagination. I have found in books new friend, new society and new words.
10. One of the main features of yogic breathing is an attempt to consciously control the diaphragm. of course, the intercostals muscles of the ribs, abdominal and other muscular systems are also used, but in yogic breathing it is diaphragm regulation in which we are most interested.
11. Letters written word: so you are most interested in things of life, and hide your secret.
12. Hoping to introduce TaijiQuan to foreigners, I, as a English major college gruduate, am very interested in translating Chen Style TaijiQuan and the 75 forms(Madam Xu teaches the 76 forms, which is the most original Chen Styel TaijiQuan)into English.
13. most interested的翻译
13. But I was most interested in the smell of it helps me concentrate on reading.
14. It was the wine-dark sea that interested him most.
15. most interested
15. On the other hand, I have been intensely interested in American politics, culture, and foreign policy for most of my life.
16. It takes a lot to look decent on the cover a men''s mag -- which is surprising, because most guys are only interested in seeing two things (or three, I guess, depending on how you''re counting).
我们一般很少报导粉丝设计的伪电子产品,但这台假想 PSP 实在太辣了,让人看了就忍不住有买一台回家的冲动。这台「假想机」把 UMD 给丢了,但加入了第二根小蘑菇--其实从设计来看,唯一的问题只有位置很奇怪 L/R 键吧?
17. You will be interested in our latest models, which incorporate the most recent developments in sewing machine techniques, and carry a three-years guarantee on replacement prats.
18. We are all active in the markets, but I am the most interested in trading.
19. 公共查询·英语单词
19. The Australian group is most interested in studying oscillatory motions of the spine using a load cell to measure static stiffness.
20. most interested的翻译
20. This is the most I have seen the classic example of the operation of documents are interested can look at you.
1. I would be most interested to learn the logic behind this decision.
2. The idea of reintroducing lotteries interested Cui the most and he launched a feasibility study.
3. Most of the participants were interested in knowing about the lives of people at mainland universities.
4. Most local Chinese companies are not interested in buying intangible management services.
5. Most Chinese people don''t know much about Moroccan culture but they are very interested in the country located on the northwestern tip of Africa.
6. Tam''s fans range from 25 to 45, most of which are women who first became interested in Tam during their university years.
7. And the couple is most interested in places as yet unexplored by backpackers.
8. But most of the city''s zoos are only interested in looking after the rarer animals.
9. The Pharaohs''world versus the ancient Apennines Peninsula - which are you most interested in?
10. Most of her fans appear to be only interested in mocking her.