
most conservative

most conservative 双语例句

1. Even the most conservative estimates of sources in the seabed stagger the imagination.

2. The Miserere is one of the most often-recorded examples of late Renaissance music, although it was actually written during the chronological confines of the Baroque era; in this regard it is representative of the music of the Roman School of composers, who were stylistically conservative.

3. On Wednesday President Bush made one of his most significant appointments -- he nominated the conservative Judge John Roberts Junior to the Supreme Court.


4. He was picked as a conservative, and for the first few years acted like one, agreeing most of the time with the court''s most truculent and passionate right-winger, Antonin Scalia.

5. If voters have a choice of several liberals and one conservative, who is most likely to win?

6. Malaysia is a predominately Muslim country and most people here have conservative attitudes.

7. most conservative

7. In ultra-conservative Saudi Arabia, meanwhile, most of the material passed between teenagers` mobile phones is pornographic.

8. I bet most Americans would assume, as I did, that the Chinese would be the ultra-conservative ones, especially when it comes to showing skin.

9. We found most to be quite conservative in their descriptive symbols and communications.

10. Glucocorticoid Receptor in the biological evolution, is the most conservative transcription factor of initiation nucleus and vital to maintain the activities of life. It plays an important role in the process of trauma and diseases development and progress. It has been testified that mice knocking-out the GR gene are non-viable, indicating that GR is the vital protein mediating many essential physiological functions.
    糖皮质激素受体(glucocorticoid receptor,GR)在生物进化中是十分保守的基础核转录因子,对维持生命活动至关重要,特别是在调节机体生理功能及在创伤或疾病发生、发展过程中起重要作用,已有实验证实敲除GR基因的小鼠是无法存活的,说明GR是介导多种重要生理功能的基础蛋白。

11. most conservative

11. Based on that, gaves the most conservative estimation for the future intensity, and proposes the suggestion for reinforcing wooden tower...

12. One of the most vexing controversies within conservative Protestantism since World War 2 has focused on the doctrine of biblical inerrancy.

13. The most conservative parts of the country.

14. Long one of America`s more conservative lenders, it avoided the most noxious property loans and securities.

15. If more conservative, and they can choose to produce, although relatively small gains, but the most stable.

16. Conservative therapy, including colonic clyster and intravenous drip of octreotide acetate, is effective on most of the elderly with stercoral obstruction of colon.

17. most conservative是什么意思

17. Studying French in Paris or working on housing projects in Latin America are what come to the minds of most college students looking for a semester of cross-cultural experience. But for Kevin Roose, foreign culture was as close as Lynchburg, Virginia. The irreligious Brown University student found exactly the otherness he was seeking at a bastion of conservative evangelicalism, Liberty University.
      在美国福音派刊物《今日基督教》,有一篇文章报导一位青年人,本来是所谓的世俗和放纵的长春藤大学 Brown 的学生,但出於好奇心,跑到宗教右派大本营 Liberty University 读书,他的经验告诉他,这两个外人看来很不同的世界里,他都可以找到朋友,而且,他对教会和基督教的好感也多了。


18. C: I think you should realize that even the most conservative style changes.

19. 911查询·英语单词

19. The most conservative opinion is not always the best.

20. most conservative的解释

20. Most examples of it are in Saudi, one of the most conservative of countries.

most conservative 单语例句

1. But what I should state clearly is that most Chinese artists are too conservative.

2. Most Iraqis are conservative Muslims who believe physical contact is forbidden between women and men not related by blood or marriage.

3. He is considered one of Bush''s most conservative advisers on foreign policy, and one of the most caustic.

4. Blair would have lost the crucial vote in the House of Commons on going to war without the help of most of the Conservative members.

5. Protesters have vented most of their anger on conservative clerics who control the key elements of power in Iran.

6. The Republican staked out socially liberal and fiscally conservative positions that appealed to most Californians.

7. Most respondents believe wearing conservative clothes could help female employers avoid sexual harassment and better protect their safety.

8. They are among the most marginalised and discriminated against in India''s hierarchical, conservative society.

9. The American political system is one of the most conservative systems in the world, and it resists change.

10. But there were no organized protests Thursday as Bush spoke before a friendly American Legion convention in one of the nation''s most conservative states.

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