1. mortuary什么意思
1. 太平间:从右边的门进入实验室6(Lab 6),消灭这里的僵尸后,汉森穿过实验房间(Experimental Chamber),穿过太平间(Mortuary),来到Kamsky博士的实验室(Dr.Kamsky's Lab ),终于在试验台上找到了解毒剂(Antidote),这下大家都有救了.
2. 停尸间:导致了人类死亡和生存的危机 一小时僵尸(Corpses)......小镇上殡仪馆殡令人不寒而栗的殡葬工人发现了一种药剂,注入死人可以将其唤醒1小时 尸地禁区(The Quick And The Undead)......赏金猎人的丧尸电影 停尸间(Mortuary)......坟墓里
1. (医院的)陈尸所,停尸房,太平间
A mortuary is a building or a room in a hospital where dead bodies are kept before they are buried or cremated, or before they are identified or examined.
2. 同 funeral home
A mortuary is the same as a funeral home .
1. a building (or room) where dead bodies are kept before burial or cremation
1. of or relating to a funeral
2. of or relating to or characteristic of death