
more shameful

more shameful 双语例句

1. There is no more shameful act than pretending to know what one does not.

2. And the more dissatisfaction felt, the more intense the shameful pain is.

3. Her love made all the more shameful her inability to stay with him, to lull his panic at the

4. What is more shameful than this public boycott in the name of the harmonious spirit of the Olympics?

5. more shameful的翻译

5. For example, when one of our friends is feeling guilty about shameful things, we will feel that this is more painful than our own shameful thing.

6. This should be the new language between us, be more shameful, it is spoken out by me, and then it becomes out common language.

7. Her laughter made it sound more shameful, though unintentionally

8. A few paces more, and you arrive at the abominable pollarded elms of the Barriere Saint-Jacques, that expedient of the philanthropist to conceal the scaffold, that miserable and shameful Place de Grove of a shop-keeping and bourgeois society, which recoiled before the death penalty, neither daring to abolish it with grandeur, nor to uphold it with authority.

9. more shameful什么意思

9. These, namely, were the provinces that brought death to the Scipios; that taxed the endurance of our ancestors in the disgraceful ten years''war under Viriathus; that shook the Roman people with the panic of the Numantine war; here occurred the disgraceful surrender of Quintus Pompeius, whose terms the senate disavowed, and the more shameful capitulation of Mancinus, which was also disavowed, and its maker ignominiously handed over to the enemy; it was Spain that destroyed so many commanders who were consulars or praetorians, and which in the days of our fathers raised Sertorius to such a height of power that for a period of five years it was not possible to decide whether there was greater strength in the arms of the Spaniard or the Roman, and which of the two peoples was destined to obey the other.
    三西班牙行省史上,曾有两西庇阿在此丧命(约 BC212);在此我们的先人忍受了与维里阿图斯的麾下间十年之久的不名誉的战争(BC147-138);在此发生的纽曼细阿战争让罗马人民深感痛苦;昆图斯·庞培在此可耻地投降,签下了元老院后来不予承认的条约;此外还有曼奇努斯订立的也未获承认的更为可耻的投降条约,其订约人被不光彩的交给了敌人(BC141-135年)。西班牙曾毁灭了那么多的执政官级的、**官级的罗马指挥官,在我们父辈的时代西班牙更出了个塞多留(BC82-72),在5年的时间里,人们都分不清西班牙人的军队和罗马人军队哪支更强大,哪边的人民注定要服属他人。而这三西班牙行省,是如此的辽阔而又人口众多,如此的好战尚武!

10. I never shall do such a thing, never! I will do anything but that. Now she could face him. What he had done was more shameful than her own sin. She could never believe it of him.


11. Displacement is you have certain shameful thoughts or desires and you refocus them more appropriately.

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