
mobile [ˈməʊbaɪl]  [ˈmoʊbl] 


mobile 基本解释

形容词可移动的; 行动自如的; 易变的; 流动性的

名词手机; 风铃

mobile 同义词

mobile 反义词


mobile 相关例句


1. The mobile medical team will soon be here.

2. She is on a mobile cinema team.

3. He had a mobile, expressive, animated face.

4. mobile

4. The sick woman isn''t mobile yet; she still has to stay in bed.

5. The squadron was protected by a highly mobile anti-tank and air defense.

mobile 情景对话



B:I’m sorry, sir. No (eating/ drinking/ using mobile phones) in the library.

A:Please forgive me.

mobile 网络解释

1. 移动的:但是不要忘了,今天,能拍照的手机存在的原因不是因为它的清晰度,而是那种随时随地的,自如的,自我的,自发的,甚至是不自觉的,可以移动的(mobile)生活方式来到了而已.

2. 移动电话:沙特零售商预计该手机的市场需求巨大,因此在其尚未发布之前就签订了大量的销售合同. 瑞典手机专业杂志<移动电话>>(Mobile)盛赞巧克力手机将是继Razr手机之后的下一个销量突破百万的产品,将其选作封面也就不足为奇了.

3. 手机:关@薄膜开关@触摸面板@深圳触摸面板@柔性电路@感应电路@标牌@铭牌及其延伸产品 深圳市建朕电子科技有限公司 地址:(add) 深圳市南山区西丽阳光工业区翻身小区10栋2楼 网址:(web)http://www.jldzkj.com 手机:(mobile) 13316836

mobile 词典解释

1. 活动的;可轻松移动的
    You use mobile to describe something large that can be moved easily from place to place.

    e.g. ...special mobile units where men can have their fingerprints taken and donate a specimen of blood.
    e.g. ...the four hundred seat mobile theatre.

2. 走动方便的;行动自如的;出行方便的
    If you are mobile, you can move or travel easily from place to place, for example because you are not physically disabled or because you have your own transport.


    e.g. I''m still very mobile.

Two cars gave them the freedom and mobility to go their separate ways.

3. (社会)流动性的;(在职业、住所或社会阶层间)自由流动的
    In a mobile society, people move easily from one job, home, or social class to another.

    e.g. We''re a very mobile society, and people move after they get divorced.
    e.g. ...young, mobile professionals.

Prior to the nineteenth century, there were almost no channels of social mobility.

4. (面部表情)易变的,多变的
    If someone has a mobile face, the expression on their face changes quickly as their feelings change.

    e.g. Robyn had the more mobile, more expressive face.

5. (悬挂在天花板上的)风动小饰物
    A mobile is a decoration which you hang from a ceiling. It usually consists of several small objects which move as the air around them moves.

6. 同 mobile phone
    A mobile is the same as a mobile phone .

7. see also: upwardly mobile

mobile 英英释义


1. sculpture suspended in midair whose delicately balanced parts can be set in motion by air currents


1. affording change (especially in social status)

    e.g. Britain is not a truly fluid society
           upwardly mobile

    Synonym: fluid

2. capable of changing quickly from one state or condition to another

    e.g. a highly mobile face

3. moving or capable of moving readily (especially from place to place)

    e.g. a mobile missile system
           the tongue is...the most mobile articulator

4. having transportation available

5. migratory

    e.g. a restless mobile society
           the nomadic habits of the Bedouins
           believed the profession of a peregrine typist would have a happy future
           wandering tribes

    Synonym: nomadicperegrinerovingwandering

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