
mislead [ˌmɪsˈli:d]  [ˌmɪs''li:d] 


mislead 基本解释

及物动词把…带错路; 把…引入歧途

mislead 同义词

mislead 反义词


mislead 相关例句


1. The candidate''s promises misled many voters.

2. Our guide misled us.

3. The guide misled us and we got lost.

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4. He was misled by his companions.

5. He is a good boy, but bad companions misled him.

mislead 网络解释

1. 误导:二:先从负面来说,确实,广告会误导(mislead)消费者,尤其是广大CHILDREN儿童们. 他们看了广告就非要去买,给家长也造成了FINICIAL PRESSURE. (看来很多话题也可以和钱有关系哦,大家注意总结共性)三:然而. 音乐啊体育啊重要性不可替代.

2. mislead在线翻译

2. 假象术:假象术(mislead):使你隐形并且制造幻象分身. 梦魇(Nightmare):送出图象,造成1d10点伤害并使之疲劳. 长驻幻影(PersistentImage):与强效幻影相同,但是不要求专注. 伪装术(Seeming):改变人的外貌,每两等级可以改变一个人.

3. 误解:比如,经过思考有的企业说我们存在业务人员流动带走客户的问题,有的则说我们存在业务流程不清晰,部门间工作推脱扯皮的问题,有的还说我们存在手工和口头信息传递造成信息丢失或者误解(mislead),有的说因为不能够对产品进行关联

4. 引入歧途:misjudge 判断错误 | mislead 引入歧途 | mismanage 错误管理

mislead 词典解释

1. 误导;使误信;欺骗;将…引入歧途
    If you say that someone has misled you, you mean that they have made you believe something which is not true, either by telling you a lie or by giving you a wrong idea or impression.

    e.g. Jack was furious with his London doctors for having misled him...
    e.g. Ministers must not knowingly mislead Parliament and the public.

mislead 英英释义


1. give false or misleading information to

    Synonym: misinform

2. lead someone in the wrong direction or give someone wrong directions

    e.g. The pedestrian misdirected the out-of-town driver

    Synonym: misdirectmisguidelead astray

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