1. 公共查询·英语单词
1. 瀆職:但该部门的就业申诉委员会(Employment Appeals Board)最终以他们是因渎职(misconduct)而被解雇为由否决了他们的申请. 随后,二人向俄州上诉法提起诉讼. 俄州上诉法(The Oregon Court of Appeals)院推翻了委员会的决定,
2. 不正当行为:2)裁判员是因为助理裁判员报告的事件而停止比赛,那么他就应当以间接任意球重新开始比赛,因为该暴力行为同时兼具犯规(Foul)与不正当行为(Misconduct)的特性,而裁判员在比赛重新开始后是不可以追溯判罚犯规(Foul)的,
1. (尤指专业人员的)渎职,不端行为,不当行为
Misconduct is bad or unacceptable behaviour, especially by a professional person.
e.g. He was dismissed from his job for gross misconduct after handing over confidential documents to the press...
e.g. Dr Lee was cleared of serious professional misconduct.
1. activity that transgresses moral or civil law
e.g. he denied any wrongdoing
Synonym: wrongdoingwrongful conductactus reus
2. bad or dishonest management by persons supposed to act on another''s behalf