
minus [ˈmaɪnəs]  [ˈmaɪnəs] 


minus 基本解释

介词(表示否定)没有; 缺少; (表示运算)减去; (表示数目)在零度以下

名词减号; 负号; 不利; 不足

形容词负的; 不利的; 略低于某标准的

minus 同义词

minus 反义词


minus 相关例句


1. The temperature is now minus 5 degrees.


1. The temperature was minus 20 degrees.

2. Five minus three leaves two.

3. He was minus fifty dollars.


1. minus的翻译

1. There is a minus before the number to be subtracted.

minus 网络解释

1. 减去:记了一道,给一个表格,两个人成绩的mean均为72,标准差为8和10,还有课程的总数分别为多少(忘了,没用),问两人成绩的中值median,应该是无法比较(sure)41.(1) 某商人的利润(profit)等于每件商品的售价(selling price) 减去(minus)进价,n件商品共卖了S,


2. 减号:同时,跳过(skip)一个token并不代表忽略(ignore). 考虑下列输入:我们不需要为取负做任何词法更改,因为我们只需要用到减号(MINUS)而已. 域名服务器(DNS)没有该网站的域的列表.

3. 负:Lock里生成的毛要让它呈现出锥形(Taper)且尾端尖细的话是可行的,只要在负(Minus)的数值上加以指定,就可做出下垂的逆向锥状的发束. 对於通常的毛(fiber)和长发,有各式各样设定纠结度、卷曲度的面板. 只要能於适合的场合组合使用的话,

minus 词典解释

1. 减;减去
    You use minus to show that one number or quantity is being subtracted from another.

    e.g. One minus one is zero...
    e.g. They''ve been promised their full July salary minus the hardship payment.

2. 负的;小于零的
    Minus before a number or quantity means that the number or quantity is less than zero.

    e.g. The aircraft was subjected to temperatures of minus 65 degrees and plus 120 degrees.

3. 减(指学校评分中某一等级中的“略差”,但又好于下一个等级)
    Teachers use minus in grading work in schools and colleges. ''B minus'' is not as good as ''B'', but is a better grade than ''C''.

    e.g. I''m giving him a B minus.

4. 失去;缺少
    To be minus something means not to have that thing.


    e.g. The film company collapsed, leaving Chris jobless and minus his life savings.

5. 不利条件;缺点
    A minus is a disadvantage.

    e.g. The minuses far outweigh that possible gain...
    e.g. The plusses and minuses were about equal...

6. 上下;左右
    You use plus or minus to give the amount by which a particular number may vary.

    e.g. The poll has a margin of error of plus or minus 5 per cent.

minus 英英释义


1. an arithmetic operation in which the difference between two numbers is calculated

    e.g. the subtraction of three from four leaves one
           four minus three equals one

    Synonym: subtraction


1. involving disadvantage or harm

    e.g. minus (or negative) factors

    Synonym: negative

2. on the negative side or lower end of a scale

    e.g. minus 5 degrees
           a grade of B minus

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