1. 微波:原理 微波(microwave)属电磁波的一种,其波长一般介於0.01m~0.3m之间,行进微波可由Maxwell equation来决定. 构成微波的电场与磁场相互垂直,且波的行进方向由决定,其亦与电场与磁场相互垂直,是为横波. 如图一所示,若电场振动方向为,
2. 微波炉:7月16日早上教研员裘老师兴致勃勃地抱着一只微波炉(microwave)来到教室. 他问我们外教要这个微波炉干什么,我们都猜可能要烤东西给我们吃. 裘老师笑了. 一会儿Ms.Greenall也来了,只见她带来了许多东西(从加拿大带来的Rice Krispee、黄油、棉花糖等),
3. microwave的翻译
3. 保鲜:富集吸收:absorbing | 保鲜:microwave | 微波:microwave radiation
4. 活性炭:微波:microwave ablation | 活性炭:microwave | 碱浸:microwave heating
1. 微波炉
A microwave or a microwave oven is an oven which cooks food very quickly by electromagnetic radiation rather than by heat.
2. 用微波炉烹调(或加热)
To microwave food or drink means to cook or heat it in a microwave oven.
e.g. Steam or microwave the vegetables until tender.
e.g. ...microwaved food.
1. kitchen appliance that cooks food by passing an electromagnetic wave through it
heat results from the absorption of energy by the water molecules in the food
Synonym: microwave oven
2. a short electromagnetic wave (longer than infrared but shorter than radio waves)
used for radar and microwave ovens and for transmitting telephone, facsimile, video and data