
mere [mɪə(r)]  [mɪr] 


mere 基本解释

形容词纯粹的; 仅仅,只不过; 小的,轻微的

名词小湖,池塘; 〈英〉边境(线)

mere 相关例句


1. The mere thought of the ruffian made her shudder.

2. It is a mere trifle.

3. A mere child cannot do the work of a man.

4. mere的意思

4. It is a mere 100 meter from my house to the theater.

mere 网络解释

1. 仅仅的:mercy 慈悲 | mere 仅仅的 | merely 仅仅

2. 仅仅的;纯粹的:greedy 貪食的, 渴望的 | mere 僅僅的,純粹的 | profit 利潤,有利于

3. 池沼:mercury vapor survey 汞蒸汽测量 | mere 池沼 | meridian line 子午线

4. 纯粹的,仅仅的:mercy 仁慈,宽恕 | mere 纯粹的,仅仅的 | merely 仅仅,只不过

mere 词典解释

Mere does not have a comparative form. The superlative form merest is used to emphasize how small something is, rather than in comparisons.
mere 没有比较级,最高级 merest 并无比较之义,而是用来强调极其微小。

1. 只不过;仅仅
    You use mere to emphasize how unimportant or inadequate something is, in comparison to the general situation you are describing.


    e.g. ...successful exhibitions which go beyond mere success...
    e.g. There is more to good health than the mere absence of disease...

2. 极小的,微不足道的,单单(表示虽小却有重要影响)
    You use mere to indicate that a quality or action that is usually unimportant has a very important or strong effect.

    e.g. The mere mention of food had triggered off hunger pangs...
    e.g. Whenever there was a gap in the traffic the merest pressure on the accelerator was enough to close it...

3. 只不过,仅仅(用于强调数量之小)
    You use mere to emphasize how small a particular amount or number is.

    e.g. Sixty per cent of teachers are women, but a mere 5 percent of women are heads and deputies...
    e.g. Tickets are a mere £7.50 at the door...

mere 英英释义


1. a small pond of standing water

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